30 mai 2024
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Pangasinan Solid North Transit

273 avis de clients
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Pangasinan Solid North Transit Horaire et calendrier

Manille - Baguio
Bus Prestige
02:00, 04:00, 05:00, 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 11:00, 14:00, 16:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:30
Bus Super de luxe
02:00, 04:00, 05:00, 08:00, 10:00, 14:00, 16:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:30
Baguio - Manille
Bus Super de luxe
01:00, 02:00, 04:00, 08:00, 10:00, 13:00, 14:00, 16:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00
Bus Prestige
02:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00

A propos de Pangasinan Solid North Transit

Le bus est un moyen de transport pratique, que vous ayez besoin de vous rendre dans la ville voisine à deux heures de route, ou de vous aventurer plus loin en traversant tout le pays. Quel que soit votre budget, le bus peut être la solution. Les bus express offrent les tarifs de billets les plus abordable pour les voyageurs qui ont un budget limité. Les options VIP s'adressent à ceux qui ne veulent aucun compromis sur le confort. Avant de sauter dans un bus, vérifiez bien le type de service qui vous convient le mieux. Pour un voyage longue-distance, tournez-vous vers un autocar VIP ou première classe, qui offre un service continu jusqu'à votre destination, ou qui ne dessert qu'un petit nombre d’arrêts en cours de route. Le plus souvent, les bus express ou locaux peuvent s'avérer un choix judicieux pour des trajets courts, mais pour les trajets plus longs ce n’est probablement pas le bon choix. Étudiez les horaires avant de partir, car de nombreuses destinations longue-distance sont desservies par des bus de nuit, et certains proposent des sièges plus larges ou des couchettes pour ces trajets. Réservez votre billet de bus en ligne auprès de Pangasinan Solid North Transit. Les avis des autres voyageurs vous aideront à choisir le meilleur billet et la meilleure classe de bus.

Gares Routières Pangasinan Solid North Transit les plus Populaires

Les principales destinations desservies par Pangasinan Solid North Transit incluent les villes suivantes :

  • Paranaque Integrated Terminal
  • Baguio City
  • Cubao Pangasinan Solid North
  • Kamias Terminal
  • Partas Transportation Cubao
  • Mapagmahal Pangasinan Solid North

Les Meilleures Destinations Pangasinan Solid North Transit

Les bus de Pangasinan Solid North Transit circulent sur de nombreuses lignes, et voici la liste des plus populaires :

Classes de Bus et Prix des Billets Pangasinan Solid North Transit

L'un des aspects les plus intéressants des voyages en bus est que vous pouvez presque planifier un voyage sur mesure, en l'adaptant à vos besoins en termes d'intimité et de confort. Les différentes classes et types de bus répondent aux besoins variés de tous types de voyageurs. Les voyages les moins chers sont normalement proposés par des bus de classe standard. On les appelle bus locaux, express ou ordinaires. Ils constituent un bon choix pour les trajets courts. Les autocars couchettes ou VIP sont parfaits pour les voyages plus longs et les voyages de nuit. Ils offrent des couchettes ou des sièges larges, confortables et inclinables, parfois avec l’option siège massant, des couvertures, des boissons non alcoolisées et des snacks, voir des repas plus substantiels à bord ou lors d’une pause sur une aire de repos. Voyager en bus de nuit vous permet d'économiser le prix d’une chambre d'hôtel, mais pour être sûr de voyager confortablement, choisissez judicieusement la classe de votre bus. Les prix dépendent toujours de la distance parcourue et du type d'autocar. Pour certains voyages, même les plus courts, cela vaut la peine d'investir un peu plus d'argent pour une place dans un bus VIP, car cela peut parfois diviser par deux la durée du trajet par rapport à un bus ordinaire.

Voyage en Bus : Avantages et Inconvénients

Avantages des Voyages en Bus

  • Le bus est le meilleur choix pour se rendre vers des destinations qui ne sont pas desservies par le rail ou l'avion. Le réseau de bus couvre souvent la quasi-totalité du pays, et les itinéraires sont bien établis depuis longtemps.
  • Contrairement à l'avion et parfois au train, prendre le bus ne nécessite pas d'arriver à la gare routière longtemps à l'avance. L'enregistrement, même sur les lignes internationales, ne prend que peu de temps. Le nombre de bagages inclus dans le prix de base est généralement très favorable aux voyageurs, et les frais pour les bagages supplémentaires, s’il y a une limite, ne sont généralement pas très élevés.
  • Les billets de bus sont souvent plus abordables que les billets d'avion ou de train rapide. Il y a un large choix de classe de billet, et des options pour toutes les bourses. Les options standard, les moins chères, sont souvent un peu lentes et n’offre pas un confort maximal, mais elles sont quand même acceptables et vous amènent à destination. Sur les trajets plus longs, les toilettes ou les arrêts sur les aires de repos ainsi que les snacks, les rafraichissements et parfois les articles de toilette et les couvertures sont presque toujours inclus dans le tarif.
  • Si votre budget vous le permet, certains autocars VIP offrent des sièges comparables à ceux de la classe affaires d'un avion, avec des sièges larges, inclinables et moelleux, des couvertures, moins de passagers et bien d'autres avantages pour faire de votre voyage un moment particulièrement agréable.

Inconvénients des Voyages en Bus

  • Les terminaux d'autobus interurbains les plus récents sont très souvent situés en dehors de la ville, à proximité des grandes autoroutes, afin de permettre aux autobus d'éviter les embouteillages urbains. Malheureusement, cela peut aussi créer des difficultés pour les voyageurs. Se rendre à ce type de terminal peut être un problème, car pour certaines destinations, il existe des restrictions sur les véhicules autorisés à entrer dans le terminal, et vous devrez utiliser les transporteurs autorisés pour vous y rendre. Cela entraîne des coûts supplémentaires, car les tarifs peuvent être gonflés. Prévoyez également du temps supplémentaire si vous partez aux heures de pointe, surtout si vous n'êtes pas familier avec la situation du trafic routier à votre point de départ.
  • Le bus est probablement le moyen de transport qui connaît le plus de retards si on le compare au train ou à l’avion. Les bus dépendent fortement du trafic routier qui peut parfois être imprévisible - accidents, travaux, déviations, etc. C'est particulièrement vrai pour les trajets effectués pendant les week-ends, la saison haute ou les jours fériés. Gardez cela à l'esprit et ne prévoyez pas de correspondances trop serrées.
  • Les voyages sur certains itinéraires ou pendant les périodes les plus chargées peuvent nécessiter une réservation préalable. Gardez à l'esprit qu'il n'est pas toujours possible de se présenter à la gare routière et de monter dans le prochain bus - il se peut que tous les billets soient vendus, alors organisez votre voyage en conséquence.
En savoir plus

Gares Pangasinan Solid North Transit

Pangasinan Solid North Transit: Avis sur la société

273 avis client
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 1 janv. 2024
I liked that the confirmation of my ticket was fast
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 4 déc. 2023
We had online booking for 2 persons but due to unavoidable circumstances plus traffic we came in late by 19min. We were expecting that we can upgrade or even downgrade our ticket, since we knew that on the contract, no refund or cancellation. The customer service representative just informed us that we need to buy new tickets. I was thinking airline companies allows rebooking or transfer. We ended getting out ticket in Victory Liner. This is so frustrating!
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 31 oct. 2023
Only one thing I did not appreciate was that they were not able to provide us water. I asked about it but was told that supplies were insufficient.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 30 sept. 2023
Price and speed was good , the bus was extremely cold and I live in Belgium where the temperature is already low.... 17°© is really not healthy.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 20 sept. 2023
It was very comfortable in the bus and the staff is also considerate with us the passengers
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 14 juil. 2023
There were delays because they were picking up and unloading passengers along the way.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 24 juin 2023
WiFi is unavailable. Seat 17’s leg rest is broken.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 5 juin 2023
First time to ride this bus. We were not able to transfer date of our first booking a day before our trip. It was quite difficult to navigate the site for rebooking. We just didn't expect that there were many stopovers along the way. But overall, the the drive was smooth and safe.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 2 juin 2023
Loved the ambience. The ride to Baguio was smooth. The driver was very careful
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 19 mai 2023
Honestly, it would have been an excellent trip but the driver and the bus attendant were very noisy. They keep on chatting with loud voices and playing loud music the whole trip. Some people would actually need peace and quiet while travelling a long distance and would like to rest. Maybe they are not just conscious of the noise they make. Otherwise, I appreciate the bus leaving on time and reaching the destination at an earlier-than-expected time.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 19 mars 2023
the trip is okie smooth and arrived on time, one thing should prepare if online purchase is to print a hard copy or pinted voucher..
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 26 janv. 2023
The busride was ok but the confirmation came very late (it took more than 36h...) We also didnt know that we have to print the ticket. There was only a very small notice on the pdf-ticket but not in the email. This was quiet tendious. Once you booked the tickets all the informations about the busstop and start-time is gone till you get the confirmation (which takes to long to get it!)
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 17 janv. 2023
comfortable, cool, kind staff and it only 4hours from Baguio to Cubao and i love it ..
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 11 janv. 2023
The only issue I had was having to print the voucher, if I didn’t have access to a printer and a young person to help I don’t know what I would have done.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 1 janv. 2023
The bus was late. Supposed to leave at 7:00 pm but left terminal 30 mins later.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 23 déc. 2022
Great, but the adverts promised lazy-boy type seats and snacks and water. We got nothing going to Baguio and only got snacks but not water coming back to Patañaque. The driver and bus attendant had been great though. Buses left on time.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 19 déc. 2022
Trip was on time and fast even with the heavy traffic.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 11 déc. 2022
Nag book ako ng 11pm baguio to cubao. Pinasakay ako ng dispatcher sa bus na papuntang ptxt pala. It seems hindi binasa or hindi aware ang assistant bus driver sa pag verify ng tickets kasi binigay ko sa kanya ung ticket ko na naka indicate cubao. I think you should let your drivers and assistant drivers get access to your bookings so they know also ahead of time. Lesson learned for me to double check next time. Hope this helps you to prevent bad experience again.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 30 nov. 2022
the trip stopped twice. it was not direct. overall service and comfort is ok. no wifi :(
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 28 nov. 2022
We arrived 1 hour ahead of time. Over-all the trip is comfortable, but there is no WIFI in the bus. Hope they can have one soon. Also, pls specify that the voucher needs to be printed. Dapat may ready printer sila to print voucher ng mga passengers. Need to improve over-all customer support.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 24 nov. 2022
Travel time would be less if the bus didnt have a stop over given that it has a toilet
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 19 nov. 2022
Travel time was faster than expected, seats were comfy but wifi wasn't available and there were no trays to put food on
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 17 nov. 2022
the wheel of the bus got busted so it takes longer to arrive on our destination and we havel to wait about 2hrs
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 3 nov. 2022
I had safe travel, but I just thought it was a point to point travel but it has 2 stop overs and consumed more than an hour.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 25 oct. 2022
The attendant provided proper introduction and instructions. Music from the bus was enough as a background noise which helped us nap from our business trip. Solid North booth printed my booking without a cost.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 22 oct. 2022
We are super seniors. They have our names and date of birth. We missed the option of indicating we were seniors and have our senior ID with us but the person behind the counter did not give us the senior discount. In addition she did not tell us that we go to gate 4 by taking the escalator near their counter. We had to walk all the to the direction of the numbering only to find out that it was on the second floor and had to walk back. She should have been careful to explain to a senior the easiest way to our gate.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 18 oct. 2022
I like the lazyboy, USB port and clean restroom. Bus left on time and arrived at the destination early. Music could’ve been optional or atleast low volume as we wanted a quiet ride to sleep on the way.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 17 oct. 2022
PITX lacking on Board Signages for the Parking Area, at 3am Securities are hard to find to ask for directions, No Aircon at PITX around 3am. Bus of Solid North, Tablet is not working, did not try if wifi is working.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 3 oct. 2022
we arrived earlier thank you for an excellent service
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 26 sept. 2022
I arrived before the departure time but I have to find ticket booth 6 which was not indicated which floor. I have to look for it. I was rudely instructed by the ticketing staff in booth 6 to print my voucher, is it not time to go paperless? We can show an e file copy of the voucher and why it was not valid?
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 26 sept. 2022
There was no wifi and the television was noisy. There should be soothing music playing. The conductor and the driver were talking during the entire trip, they were much louder than the television. Annoying.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 25 sept. 2022
You just need to print the first page that has the code and not the entire PDF file hahaha
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 22 sept. 2022
Add light meals as same with other transport pro iders (drinking water and bread/biscuit)
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 4 sept. 2022
Non refundable even if the reason is a natural occurence. There's a storm going and still the trip is still push thru.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 13 août 2022
Overall experience was great. Although it would be nice if we can go paperless.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 8 août 2022
The over-all experience was pleasant. The payment and purchase of tickets was very quick.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 5 août 2022
The trip was accurate. Left on time at 2 am and arrived Baguio at 6am! Exactly 4 hours! Breeze!
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 26 juil. 2022
overall was excellent except for the USB BUSPAD. We were seated at the front seat nos.1,2&3. We were so uncomfortable because it keeps moving and it is of no use, I think it would make your passengers even more comfortable without it,
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 25 juil. 2022
No wifi, tablets and some chargers are not working inside the bus.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 10 mai 2022
Solid North is much quicker than other operators and a comfortable bus
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 30 avr. 2022
Its was great having you guys to experience the journey that our first time riding in the bus goin to baguio.
Bus Prestige, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 29 avr. 2022
Did not notice the field for passenger type, was not able to tag my 2 companions as students, hence no discount. There was also no way to cancel so I can book again with the disconts applied.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 20 avr. 2022
the experience was great. however we just encountered traffic due to the holidays (not the operator's fault)
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 18 avr. 2022
convenient way to get and reserve a ticket especially on a peak season. fast transaction using 12go as booking site. the claiming of actual ticket in the station is easy.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 18 avr. 2022
The point-to-point bus was a super deluxe coach; you'll have to pay differently for the luxury experience. There was one stop, but that was it; overall the trip proceeded smoothly and we arrived in Baguio even an hour ahead of time.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 18 avr. 2022
Clean bus, clean toilet, good driving and comfortable seat.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 4 avr. 2022
Final destination pitx outside, what happen? I tough supposed to be inside because we have alot of things and baggage.
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 28 mars 2022
The driver and his assistant are polite and courteous...
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 28 mars 2022
It would be great if the conductor would announce that there is a comfort room available in the middle of the bus before the trip so everyone would be informed :)
Bus Super de luxe, Pangasinan Solid North Transit, 22 mars 2022
Online payment was too overpriced, i paid P917 compared to P750 normal fare...then i still have to fall in line just to get a ticket with QR Code just like any of other passangers who are buying tickets at the terminal. I should have not paid online if i knew that i still have to do this. Also, i thought it's a point to point ride...but the bus had 2 stop-overs to buy something to eat in a terminal stop-over and along expressway. Picked-up a passenger who they dropped-off at Pozzorubio. Over all, i arrived safely and that's d most important.😊