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Myanmar Railways

353 avis de clients
  • Reviews

A propos de Myanmar Railways

Myanmar Railways propose une réservation en ligne de billets de train simple et sans problème avec 12Gо. Les avis des autres voyageurs vous aideront à planifier votre itinéraire et à choisir la classe de billets la plus adaptée pour vous. Prenez le train pour donner à votre voyage un parfum d’autrefois avec une nuit en couchette long-courrier, ou ajoutez-y une touche ultra-moderne en sautant dans un train express grande vitesse qui vous amènera à destination en un clin d'œil. Les voyages en train sont toujours pleins de charme et d'émotion. Mêlez-vous aux autres passagers ou optez pour un compartiment privé haut de gamme. Myanmar Railways offre un grand choix pour rendre votre expérience inoubliable et agréable. Vérifiez bien la date de votre voyage, le tarif, le type de billet et les autres conditions et restrictions avant de confirmer votre réservation.

Gares Myanmar Railways les plus Populaires

Les lignes de Myanmar Railways permettent d’atteindre les destinations suivantes :

  • Yangon Central
  • Mandalay Central
  • Bagan

Les Meilleures Destinations Myanmar Railways

Voici la liste des destinations proposées par Myanmar Railways qui sont toujours très demandées par les voyageurs :

Prix des Billets et Classes des Trains Myanmar Railways

Pour profiter au maximum de votre voyage en train, choisissez judicieusement la classe de votre billet. Tenez compte de la durée du trajet, de l'heure de la journée et de vos propres préférences. Pour les longs voyages de nuit, les billets en train couchette de première ou deuxième classe peuvent représenter la meilleure solution. Ces deux options vous permettent de passer la nuit aussi confortablement que possible dans le train, et d'économiser une précieuse journée de vos vacances. Notez que parfois, il n’est pas possible de réserver les billets de première classe pour des trajets courts de quelques heures sur un itinéraire plus long. Ces billets sont souvent réservés aux voyageurs qui parcourent l'ensemble de la ligne, de la gare de départ jusqu’au terminus. Pourtant, les couchettes de seconde classe, offrant parfois des sièges moelleux, constituent une alternative intéressante si votre destination se trouve à 4 ou 5 heures de voyage. Vérifiez ce qui est inclus dans le tarif. Les draps et les serviettes peuvent être fournis ou non pour les voyages de nuit, tout comme l'eau, les snacks ou les articles de toilette. Il est toujours bon d'apporter plusieurs types de vêtements à bord, car la climatisation ou le chauffage peuvent ne pas répondre à vos attentes ou à vos habitudes.

Voyage en Train : Avantages et Inconvénients

Avantages des Voyages en Train

  • Le voyage en train est une solution idéale pour échapper aux embouteillages. Si des retards sont parfois possibles pour des raisons diverses, en général ni les heures de pointe, ni les longs week-ends, ni la fièvre de la haute saison ne gâcheront votre planning avec le chemin de fer.
  • La réservation en ligne des billets de train vous fait gagner beaucoup de temps. Pour de nombreuses destinations, les billets peuvent être réservés jusqu'à 90 jours avant la date du voyage, ce qui permet de mieux planifier votre séjour. Pourtant, des offres de dernière minute sont aussi souvent disponibles. Il n'est pas non plus nécessaire de se rendre à la gare pour réserver - faites-le d’où vous voulez.
  • Dans de nombreux cas, les billets de train sont beaucoup plus abordables que les billets d'avion. Sur certains trajets, la durée du voyage en train à grande vitesse est identique, voire inférieure, à celle du voyage en avion, si l'on tient compte du temps passé à l'aéroport pour l'enregistrement et le passage des formalités de sécurité et/ou de douane.
  • Très souvent, les gares ferroviaires sont situées au centre de la ville. Cela vous fait gagner beaucoup de temps pour rejoindre votre hébergement. Les gares plus anciennes ont souvent l'avantage d’avoir une atmosphère incroyable, et d'occuper des bâtiments historiques. Le voyage depuis ou vers ces gares peut être considéré comme une visite importante de votre voyage.
  • En plus de vous faire gagner du temps pour réaliser d'autres choses plus agréables, une nuit dans le train est un bon moyen de réduire vos frais d'hôtel. Si vous optez pour un train-couchette, vous devriez aussi pouvoir bien dormir. En tout cas mieux que dans un bus couchette, c'est sûr !
  • Des trains de luxe desservent certaines destinations, et c'est une expérience à réaliser au moins une fois dans sa vie.

Inconvénients des Voyages en Train

  • Plus la distance est grande, plus le trajet en train dure longtemps, et si vous devez parcourir un kilométrage important, cela prendra beaucoup de temps. L'avion est donc parfois une meilleure solution, même si c’est plus coûteux.
  • Les correspondances avec vos transports suivants doivent être planifiées avec beaucoup d’attention. Bien que les horaires soient normalement connus à l’avance, des retards et des annulations sont toujours possibles pour des raisons diverses. Un autre élément à prendre en compte est l'emplacement de la gare d'arrivée ou de départ de votre train. Il y a plusieurs gares dans certaines villes, ce qui peut parfois prêter à confusion.
  • L'un des défauts les plus couramment cités des voyages en train est la propreté, en tout cas sur certaines lignes. Cela concerne surtout les compartiments et les toilettes des classes les moins chères.
  • Les arrêts ne sont pas toujours clairement annoncés ou signalés sur certaines lignes de train. Des écrans électroniques peuvent facilement régler ce problème, mais ils ne sont pas toujours présents. Veillez donc à repérer votre arrêt grâce à un GPS, ou demandez simplement à un contrôleur s'il y en a un.
En savoir plus

Myanmar Railways: Avis sur la société

353 avis client
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 25 mars 2020
So.... first class sleeper in Myanmar is not what you'd see elsewhere in the world. Take a jacket or extra blanket and pack snacks. The sleeper is not assessed from the rest of the train.... I'd do it again I. A heartbeat, just better prepared.
Train #11 Classe supérieure, Myanmar Railways, 24 mars 2020
La réservation et la livraison de nos billets de train de Yangon à Mandalay à notre hôtel s’est déroulé sans faille Faite vous livrer si vous partez tôt le matin car les guichets n’ouvrent qu’à partir de 8h
Train #3 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 23 mars 2020
Train Confortable mais on a roulé les fenêtres ouvertes... Il faisait froid Les billets ont été livré à l'hôtel de qui était bien pratique.
Train #131 Classe supérieure, Myanmar Railways, 21 mars 2020
Ereignisreich,schön,jedoch um 2 Stunden zu lang. Irgendwann wusste man nicht mehr wie man sitzen sollte. Aber entschleunigend und günstig und alles super pnktlich
Train #3 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 11 mars 2020
2 berth sleeper was ok but train very noisy, rattling & shaky. Train broke down, didn’t move for 5 hours, then finally 7 hours late on arrival. No information or communication provided at all. No apology.
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 10 mars 2020
The train left on time and arrived in Bagan at 11am. The 12go arrival time of 9.30 is incorrect. We booked all 4 berths and had lots of room. Watch out for people selling food for the journey on platform - they are charming but try to charge far too much. We ordered sweet and sour chicken with fried rice from the official train steward who advised we would get it at 7pm and sure enough we arrived at a station and the food was handed to us. It was very tasty and plenty for 2 people - cost 6,000 kyat. We enjoyed the journey through the countryside and slept reasonably well. A pillow and sheet are provided. As it got cooler we switched off the fan. For security during the night we closed the windows and doors. The toilet facilities were fine - take own toilet paper. There was some water to ‘flush’ with. All in all a trip well worth doing
Train #4 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 8 mars 2020
Train ride was as described. Tickets were delivered to our hotel for free as promised. Train did not have a dining car so it was a good thing we brought our own snacks. Train actually arrived on time. Overall an interesting adventure.
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 8 mars 2020
We elected to pick up our tickets at the office. It was very hard to find. The directions were not accurate, and when we finally find it we were sent to another office down the street. Very frustrating and unprofessional. The train ride was just as described.
Train #120 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 7 mars 2020
Delivery of actual train tickets was prompt. We were put in Cabin D with another couple from Belgium, so it wasn't a lonely night. As I have done my research, I knew I had to bring longyi to cover myself. The operation did give pillow and sheet, but it's very random, some bed have, and some beds don't. Make sure to download an off-line map to know whereabouts I am, as the announcement was in Burmese. It was an experience that is enough, just for once. Won't do it again. I use my own scarf to cover. BTW Cabin F is more private as there are only 2 beds.
Train #120 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 6 mars 2020
There is no glass on the window of the train so given there was also a fan in the train cabin, it was really cold and no cover is provided. I think there was an issue on that night because for a very long time the train wasn't moving at all and we arrived 5 hours after what was scheduled. But it might be an isolated case.
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 1 mars 2020
A must do once trip !. Not much sleep with the rocking and noise but what a way to see the countryside. Food good, though a little expensive for what is was. Toilet was basic , it’s all you need. The county and the people , priceless !
Train #131 Classe supérieure, Myanmar Railways, 16 févr. 2020
12 go Asia are terrible but I finally got the ticket only 12 hours before the train. Use BOOKAWAY instead. A far better service. Unlike twelve go asia, BOOKAWAY offers excellent and prompt service and a way to contact the company should you need or want to. Tickets came through very quickly with BOOKAWAY but too close for stress free travel with 12 go asia.
Train #3 Classe supérieure, Myanmar Railways, 15 févr. 2020
So nice experience to travel slowly through Myanmar, and share this moment with burmese families, monks, and all those who pick up the train to sell some food etc. Upper class has very confortable seats.
Train #120 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 14 févr. 2020
The only thing that was helpful - delivery of tickets to hotel. The train station is difficult in navigation, no English instructions, no English speaking employees. I had to catch people outside to help me find train. The train itself is also stinky, dirty and cold. But at least it departures and arrives on time
Train #62 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 9 févr. 2020
Overall good experience. Train was late, instead 9:30 arriving at 15:00. Was super hot at the day time.
Train #3 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 7 févr. 2020
12GoAsia were very good. Efficient & prompt. The train was as previously reviewed by others : very noisy & bumpy, but a good insight into local life & scenery. At this time of year it is also quite cold at night. We were really pleased to have had the experience, but wouldn't be too inclined to repeat it soon (though the track upgrade work is visibly underway).
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 7 févr. 2020
Fun but freezing I felt like Jack on titanic at night! Get dressed. You can order a great food for the entire journey.
Train #120 Classe supérieure, Myanmar Railways, 6 févr. 2020
Service of 12GO was perfect, with my ticket delivered to the hotel in the morning of departure. The train left Mandalay Central 9:00p.m. sharp, and arrived in Bagan only 15-20 mins. behind the schedule. The floor under my seat was very dirty with lots of egg shells, however, all other places looked clean enough. As the train sways a lot, you feel as if you were on boat. So, if you get motion sickness easily, I recommend that you should not take train. The seat was big enough and comfortable to sleep in, but the window next to my seat was broken, and I couldn't close it. Freeeezing!!!
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 3 févr. 2020
Like the previous review, our schedule was fixed and we only got confirmation 2 days before departure. The service charges seemed high for the anxiety, minimal communication and service. The train was as expected from other reviews and l have experienced sleeper trains in India, but it took much longer and was swaying so much that l was actually concerned for my safety. Typically l enjoy the train to see the countryside but l trip is enough in Myanmar.
Train #62 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 1 févr. 2020
An incredible experience. Facilities were adequate but expected.
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 27 janv. 2020
Wir haben die Tickets direkt zu unserem Hotel bringen lassen. Hat alles prima geklappt. 1A Service und absolut empfehlenswert!
Train #120 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 26 janv. 2020
Les draps sales pas très rassurant, le compartiment rempli de moustiques, voyage très bruyant et secouée comme dans une diligence
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 26 janv. 2020
We ordered the tickets on line on 12go.asia they replied immediately. We had them delivered to our hotel . I had a few questions which I submitted and they were very quick with a response. The tickets arrived a day ahead it was very professional
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 20 janv. 2020
Being in a sleeper didn’t have access to restaurant car, which made Food very expensive - paid 55k for 3 people for dinner and breakfast
Train #62 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 15 janv. 2020
We had nice seats and the staff was very kind. Only the food and drinks onboard were a bit more expensive then if you’d buy it outside. But overal good experience!
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 9 janv. 2020
Schlafwagen war super(für Myanmar). 4 Liegemöglichkeit, eigene Toilette. Stecke ist relativ laut. Aber mit Oropax okay. Fenster hatten Lichtschutz. Fahrt ist lang aber okay und ein besonders Erlebnis
Train #120 Classe supérieure, Myanmar Railways, 4 janv. 2020
I chose train because this was the only transportation that I found for traveling during the night. Overall was ok except a bit bumpy..
Train #120 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 3 janv. 2020
It is quite comfortable to sleep for the sleeping class. However, it is a bit cold as there is not provide enough thing for you to cover the body.
Train #4 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 31 déc. 2019
Train was on time leaving Mandalay and arriving in Yangon. We were travelling as a family of four and our kids loved the trip. The staff come around with a menu and take food orders or you can go to the restaurant car, food not included in the ticket price. The train rolls around a lot but that’s all part of the experience.
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 23 déc. 2019
Train #62 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 21 déc. 2019
Personally I'd rate our experience 5 stars because it worked out for us, but the train left nearly 7 hours late and was slower than expected. We left at 10:30pm(meant to be 4pm) and arrived in Yangon at 6pm the next day (meant to be 9:30am). We didn't have any connections to make though, and the ride through the vast farming land and villages was actually quite a relaxing way to spend the day. The 2 of us were the only ones in the sleeper berth carriage which has 2 long thin beds and 8 more regular seats which flatten out into very short "beds", surprisingly easy to sleep even with the loud noise and rocking of the train. No food in the carriage as its separate from the rest of the train, but people in villages will come up to the window with reasonably priced fruits and food. If you've got the time and no flights to make I'd recommend the train, otherwise avoid it.
Train #3 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 20 déc. 2019
Nice alternative to avoid flight. Tickets were ready to pick up two days before. Absolutely no problem. Train is loud and not really clean, not for everybody, but my children loved iti
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 20 déc. 2019
Mauvaise organisation de l'agence à yangon nous avons du nous déplacer 3 fois pour avoir nos billets . Sinon arrivé à la gare on nous à pris en main jusqu'au wagon couchette, ce n'était pas le grand luxe mais tout était opérationnel .les toilettes et les couchettes, avec 2 draps et 2 coussins. C'était interminable dans un vieux train qui nous secoue pendant 17h. Pour le retour nous avons opter pour le bus plus moderne JJ moins cher de 5 € on passons par la guest , et normalement plus confortable et moins long.
Train #62 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 16 déc. 2019
The experience was great. We knew the train was slower than the bus and the conditions were a bit more rudimentary. We got a 4 bed cabin with toilet. Beds were ok. The train is noisy and in the night it gets cold (no glass for the windows). Bring your own food or expect to pay quite a lot for the fried rice and vegetables that the train offers. Once we got in the train we were asked for what we'd like for dinner and breakfast. We thought the meals were included as they didn't mentioned the price and it was the first thing we had to do once in the train. Our surprise came the day after when we had to pay 34.500mmk for x4 fried rice, x4 vegetables, x2 coffees and a water. If we had known the meals weren't included we wouldn't have ordered so much food.
Train #89 Classe supérieure, Myanmar Railways, 8 déc. 2019
My emails have always been responded very quickly. The train journey was fun. Though it departed on time, arrived 30mins late. Good overall experience anyway.
Train #3 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 3 déc. 2019
Le voyage en train de nuit Yangon Mandalay est une superbe expérience que je conseille fortement ! La prestation de 12go Asia est top ! Billets de train achetés sur internet et livrés directement à notre hôtel !
Train #62 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 2 déc. 2019
Der Preis der hier auf der Seite verlangt wird ist total überteuert! Das Ticket an sich kostet 10€ (16.500MMK)! Mein Ticket wurde 3 Tage im Voraus von 12go.asia am Bahnhof Bagan reserviert, als ich es am Reisetag holen wollte hat der Mann am „Ticket Office“ versucht mir nochmal das Geld abzuziehen!!! Die Reise an sich war eine Erfahrung, die man mal machen sollte. Schlafen wird man nicht viel, der Zug schwangt ständig von der einen zur anderen Seite.
Train #119 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 29 nov. 2019
I love train travel and always take the option when available. I’m glad I had this experience. I was prepared in understanding the conditions. However be aware, it is the most violent train ride you’ll ever take. Similar to driving high speed over speed bumps while trying to sleep.
Train #3 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 27 nov. 2019
I give it 4* because our tickets were delivered to our hotel in time, the day before we travelled. Their support team had emailed before to reassure all was well, and our 2 person sleeper was probably best on the train. So 12GoAsia deserve 4*. The train probably 2*, as it was very bumpy and most of the time was dark so nothing to see either. Maybe day time train more interesting!
Train #120 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 27 nov. 2019
The train itself was not very clean, the toilet is more like an “insect museum” with “specimens” of dragonflies and spiders. There are no English-speaking staff, all announcements are made in Burmese which makes it difficult for foreigners not traveling with a local.
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 26 nov. 2019
We are seasoned travellers in our very early 60’s and love to experience all forms of transport in the countries we visit. My main concern after booking the tickets was that they could not be confirmed until a few days before travel which could have caused a problem for the rest of our trip. However this is not the fault of 12goasia and their communication via email on questions I asked could not be faulted. Picking the ticket up was an interesting experience as although we had a full address, buildings were not easily identifiable. Of course we could have paid $10 to get tickets delivered to our office but their emails about ticket pick up were very detailed concerning office hours etc. The first class train was definitely not to same standard as those we have used in Thailand or Vietnam. I was glad I had booked all 4 beds in our carriage so we could relax and spread out. The trip took 19 hours in the end from Yangon to Bagan. Very bumpy journey but I must have slept more than I realised. Food we bought on the train was actually very tasty with dinner and breakfast delivered to us, which was just as well as we could not move from our carriage! Not for the faint hearted but a great way to see the countryside and relatively cheap dinner, bed and breakfast with transport included!
Train #120 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 26 nov. 2019
Train is really old and dirty. It’s really loud and sways a lot as well. The only plus point is that you get clean sheets. It would be fun to experience it once, but you probably wouldn’t want to go through it again.
Train #120 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 26 nov. 2019
All fine. Tickets come to hotel in mandalay at the day, I come.
Train #120 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 25 nov. 2019
Except of clean sheets nothing was first class. Train was very old, super slow, overall quality was disappointing, but it was still fun to do it once as an experience, but would rather not do it again...
Train #131 Classe supérieure, Myanmar Railways, 24 nov. 2019
Der Preis auf der Seite ist total überteuert meiner Meinung nach. Das Zugticket kostet nur 4000 Kyat und kann ohne Probleme einen Tag im voraus oder am gleichen Tag am Bahnhof gekauft werden.
Train #12 Classe supérieure, Myanmar Railways, 22 nov. 2019
Did train 12 0500 Mandalay - Yangon in Upper class ie comfort seat. Ticket service from 12Go was excellent. Seat comfortable for the whole 18.5 hour journey. No restaurant car but plenty of on train vendors. I just wish Myanmar Railways would make life a bit easier by having accurate information on train times in English available at stations & on the net. Staff at Mandalay were very helpful. All the information in English that was at Yangon has now disappeared.
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 12 nov. 2019
Really rough ride. Took about 20 hours. Nice to be able to lie flat (unlike on airplane), but still tired and sticky upon arrival. Compartment was spacious enough for 3 people, and seats/beds and toilet functional. No air conditioning, but open windows provided nice breeze and good view of countryside and people and activities in villages and fields. Compartment completely isolated from rest of train. No food or water available except for few hawkers at occasional stations( very brief stops)- glad we brought our own water, peanuts and crackers. Interesting cultural experience, but wouldn’t choose to do again.
Train #61 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 11 nov. 2019
Previous comments regarding this trip are factual. The train trip is a long (19 hours in our case), grubby and jolting journey but we have no regrets. It was truly memorable and provided a reality check regarding train travel from days gone by plus an opportunity to see rural living. Make sure you take plenty of water and other provisions even though some items can be purchased along the way. Useful to have a longyi/blanket and insecticide as carriage is fully airconditioned (open windows!) Another suggestion is don’t wear white. Collection of tickets from Pegu has already been accurately described.
Train #62 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 10 nov. 2019
More uncomfortly ,unclean, nasty toilet than expected ,from a 1. Class sleeper
Train #3 Wagon-lit, Myanmar Railways, 6 nov. 2019
1. Hassled by MR porters at Yangon station who demanded large sums for minimal work. The porter was not requested or required. 2. The windows on the carriage were extremely difficult to raise or lower. 3. At dusk the carriage filled with midges, flies, mosquitoes attracted by the light. 4. The sleeper bed was extremely hard. 5. Above all not knowing if one can buy a ticket until a couple of days before ones journey is stressful. (Unable to get return ticket as all taken by others earlier on day of sale). 6. 12Go Asia agent for purchase of ticket was pitiful.