15 may. 2024
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223 opiniones de clientes
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Ultramar Calendario y horario

Playa del Carmen - Cozumel
Ferry High Speed Ferry (with Fast Pass)
08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00
Ferry First Class (with Fast Pass)
08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00
Puerto Juárez - Isla Mujeres
05:30, 06:30, 07:00, 07:30, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 21:30, 22:00, 23:00
Cozumel - Playa del Carmen
Ferry High Speed Ferry (with Fast Pass)
07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00
Ferry First Class (with Fast Pass)
08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00
Isla Mujeres - Puerto Juárez
00:00, 06:00, 07:00, 07:30, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00
Cancun - Isla Mujeres
09:30, 09:45, 10:00, 10:15, 10:30, 11:00, 11:15, 12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 12:45, 13:00, 13:30, 13:45, 14:00, 14:15, 15:00, 15:15, 16:30, 16:45, 17:30, 17:45, 18:00, 18:15, 18:30
Isla Mujeres - Cancun
10:30, 10:45, 11:15, 11:45, 12:00, 13:00, 13:30, 14:30, 16:00, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00, 18:30, 19:00

Quiénes Somos Ultramar

Si bien ahora se puede llegar a algunas islas en avión y otras están conectadas a tierra firme por puente, el ferri es el único medio para llegar a algunas de las islas más bellas e impresionantes, a playas escondidas u otros destinos costeros. Los ferris más grandes y lentos pueden transportar vehículos y pasajeros por todo el mundo, pero en algunos casos, la única opción para llegar a tu destino es una lancha exprés de alta velocidad, que es más pequeña pero más rápida, o un catamarán. Aunque esta última opción te ahorrará tiempo, te recomendamos ser precavido si eres propenso a marearte. Cuando el mar está agitado, las lanchas rápidas que cortan las olas son una mejor opción que los catamaranes, que cabalgan las olas y hacen que el viaje sea más movido. Para prevenir o superar el mareo, recomendamos tomar un medicamento adecuado: consulta con tu médico antes del viaje. Si es posible, cuando estés a bordo, busca un asiento en la cubierta, al aire libre.

Los viajes en ferri ofrecidos por Ultramar se pueden reservar online, fácilmente y sin complicaciones, sin tener que perder tiempo trasladándose a la oficina de reservas.

Ultramar Muelles Principales

A continuación encontrarás una lista de algunos de los muelles principales, a los que puedes llegar con los ferris de Ultramar. Consulta la guía completa de las estaciones antes de partir:

  • Puerto Juarez
  • Playa del Carmen
  • Isla Mujeres
  • Cozumel
  • Playa Caracol
  • Playa Tortugas
  • El Embarcadero

Ultramar Destinos Principales

Ultramar Tipos de Ferri y Precios de los Billetes

Los ferris de alta velocidad son siempre los más costosos. Si quieres ahorrar dinero, revisa si hay algún tipo de barco más lento para tu ruta; normalmente las tarifas son mucho más económicas. Por norma general, conviene informarse sobre la duración del viaje antes de reservar. Para las rutas más largas, la diferencia en el tiempo de viaje puede ser enorme. Ten en cuenta que no todas las tarifas de billetes o clases de asientos están disponibles siempre y en todas las rutas. En temporada alta, conviene reservar con antelación, ya que la disponibilidad de las cabinas privadas, que son más costosas, suele ser limitada. Comprar billetes a última hora para las rutas más populares durante estos periodos puede conllevar largas colas de espera. Algunos destinos tienen más de un muelle o diferentes muelles para distintas compañías de ferri, por eso se recomienda verificar desde qué muelle se sale y a cuál se llega antes de emprender el viaje. Toma tiempo suficiente antes de la salida para encontrar tu barco y realizar el check-in. Estos trámites pueden durar hasta un par de horas en las rutas internacionales. Por último, es importante saber que algunos muelles aplican su propia tasa portuaria a todos los pasajeros que llegan. Esta tasa no suele estar incluida en el precio del billete.

Viajar en Ferri: Ventajas y Desventajas

Las Ventajas de Viajar en Ferri

  • Tomar un barco te permite llegar a algunas islas, playas y destinos costeros a los que de otro modo no se puede acceder. Los viajes en ferri pueden ser largos y provocar mareo, pero valen la pena porque ofrecen la oportunidad de visitar playas paradisíacas y algunos de los lugares más escondidos y menos explorados.
  • Los billetes de ferri pueden reservarse online. Esto te ahorrará tiempo y garantizará que tu itinerario de viaje se desarrolle según lo previsto. La opción de reserva anticipada es conveniente, sobre todo cuando se viaja en temporada alta, fiestas nacionales o fines de semana largos, porque en estos períodos hay muchas ventas de billetes y las rutas tienen un número limitado de barcos.
  • Para algunas rutas se puede escoger la clase del asiento o la cabina. A veces, los compartimentos privados o cabinas estándar incluyen servicios extra, pero no es la norma. Comprueba lo que incluye tu tarifa para que puedas sacar el mayor provecho a tu viaje.
  • Viajar en ferri siempre es divertido. Te permite ver los lugares que vas a visitar o por los que pasas desde un ángulo diferente. Desde el agua, los paisajes se ven espectaculares... ¡y totalmente distintos!. Viajar en barco es una oportunidad única para tomar fotos y vídeos fantásticos y originales: ¡aprovéchala!

Desventajas de los Viajes en Ferri

  • A menudo, la mayor preocupación cuando se viaja en barco es el mareo, una experiencia molesta y desagradable. Aunque nunca te hayas mareado en un viaje de ferri, no quiere decir que tu próximo viaje será igual de tranquilo. El mar agitado y los viajes en lancha rápida pueden hacer que hasta los estómagos más fuertes se resientan. Sigue las recomendaciones que te dimos anteriormente y toma tus medicamentos media hora antes del viaje. Comer algo ligero antes de viajar es algo que también puede ayudar: hay más posibilidades de marearse con el estómago vacío.
  • Los retrasos y las cancelaciones son habituales en los viajes de ferri, ya que dependen en gran medida de las condiciones meteorológicas y marítimas. Esto afecta sobre todo los viajes de temporada baja. Las lluvias, el mar revuelto y el mal tiempo pueden interferir con tu itinerario de viaje. Trata de mantener un itinerario flexible y no planifiques conexiones de vuelo demasiado cercanas a tus viajes de ferri, aunque se prevea buen tiempo en ese período.
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Ultramar Opiniones sobre la Empresa

223 opiniones de clientes
Ferry First Class (with Fast Pass), Ultramar, 22 dic. 2023
Vessel was clean and staff helpful and friendly, Ticket price a little lesser than if purchased directly from Ultramar or from the resort we stayed in. But when there was a promotion, the tickets we purchased at resort were cheaper.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 21 feb. 2023
Super easy and convenient. Print out tickets in advance to avoid the line. The ferry is very comfortable and the downstairs is air conditioned. Arrive 30 minutes before your departure time as the boarding line can get busy.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 21 feb. 2023
Super easy and convenient. Print out tickets in advance to avoid the line. The ferry is very comfortable and the downstairs is air conditioned. Arrive 30 minutes before your departure time as the boarding line can get busy.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 21 feb. 2023
Was exactly what was needed. I booked online, they came on time and took me to my place. Perfect. My flight was delayed so I missed the ferry to Isla. So my original taxi wasn't needed. They let me move the trip to the next morning and pick me up from the hotel I then had to stay at. It was really helpful and a smooth process.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 21 feb. 2023
Was exactly what was needed. I booked online, they came on time and took me to my place. Perfect. My flight was delayed so I missed the ferry to Isla. So my original taxi wasn't needed. They let me move the trip to the next morning and pick me up from the hotel I then had to stay at. It was really helpful and a smooth process.
Ferry First Class (with Fast Pass), Ultramar, 16 feb. 2023
Two with disabilities had a little difficulty getting on board. Guys were very attentive to their needs.
Ferry First Class (with Fast Pass), Ultramar, 16 feb. 2023
Two with disabilities had a little difficulty getting on board. Guys were very attentive to their needs.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 11 feb. 2023
Isla mujeres it’s an amazing experience with ultramar… good service
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 11 feb. 2023
Isla mujeres it’s an amazing experience with ultramar… good service
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 9 feb. 2023
Everithing ok but live music bothered me… I would have preferred to enjoy the sun, the wind and the sound of the seaP
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 9 feb. 2023
Everithing ok but live music bothered me… I would have preferred to enjoy the sun, the wind and the sound of the seaP
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 8 feb. 2023
Expérience parfaite. Moins cher que l achat sur place. Nous avons payé 77€ pour 4 contre 103$ sur place. Vous recevez un mail avec QR code qu il suffit de scanner sur une borne avant de prendre le bateau. Pas besoin d imprimer. Vous pouvez utiliser votre téléphone. Nous avons réservé le départ de 8h30 de puerto Juarez. Il n y avait pas beaucoup deRead more about review stating Expérience parfaite. Moins cher que monde. Par contre au retour, il y avait 45 min d attente en raison du nombre important de personnes. L'horaire réservé ne semble pas être important. Nous avons pris un bateau plus tôt au retour sans problème. Il y a un parking surveillé où vous pourrez laisser votre voiture la journée pour 150MXN.Bonne visite.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 8 feb. 2023
Expérience parfaite. Moins cher que l achat sur place. Nous avons payé 77€ pour 4 contre 103$ sur place. Vous recevez un mail avec QR code qu il suffit de scanner sur une borne avant de prendre le bateau. Pas besoin d imprimer. Vous pouvez utiliser votre téléphone. Nous avons réservé le départ de 8h30 de puerto Juarez. Il n y avait pas beaucoup deRead more about review stating Expérience parfaite. Moins cher que monde. Par contre au retour, il y avait 45 min d attente en raison du nombre important de personnes. L'horaire réservé ne semble pas être important. Nous avons pris un bateau plus tôt au retour sans problème. Il y a un parking surveillé où vous pourrez laisser votre voiture la journée pour 150MXN. Bonne visite.
Ferry First Class (with Fast Pass), Ultramar, 2 feb. 2023
On time and not to busy the boat before us from the other ferry company was way overbooked and left 40 minutes late because of it
Ferry First Class (with Fast Pass), Ultramar, 2 feb. 2023
On time and not to busy the boat before us from the other ferry company was way overbooked and left 40 minutes late because of it
Ferry First Class (with Fast Pass), Ultramar, 2 feb. 2023
Everything went without any problems ! they screamed the first class out before letting the queue be donne
Ferry First Class (with Fast Pass), Ultramar, 2 feb. 2023
Everything went without any problems ! they screamed the first class out before letting the queue be donne
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 29 ene. 2023
Good other than when I bought tickets online it didn’t say it was only one way
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 29 ene. 2023
Good other than when I bought tickets online it didn’t say it was only one way
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 20 ene. 2023
Was a little late heading out, but there were lots of passengers so that was somewhat expected. If you get seasick or motion sick ride on the very top. Do not ride inside! Trust me.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 20 ene. 2023
Was a little late heading out, but there were lots of passengers so that was somewhat expected. If you get seasick or motion sick ride on the very top. Do not ride inside! Trust me.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 19 ene. 2023
Nice experience.. The seats could be more comfortable.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 19 ene. 2023
Nice experience.. The seats could be more comfortable.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 18 ene. 2023
Good way to book quicly and safety. And also you can save some money buying once you're at port.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 18 ene. 2023
Good way to book quicly and safety. And also you can save some money buying once you're at port.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 14 ene. 2023
confusing process to get tickets from online purchasing but eventually got to correct line
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 14 ene. 2023
confusing process to get tickets from online purchasing but eventually got to correct line
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 12 ene. 2023
Driver was awesome, traffic was terrible but he made up for it as much as possible.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 12 ene. 2023
Driver was awesome, traffic was terrible but he made up for it as much as possible.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 7 ene. 2023
first time using the service, as a tourist, fairly easy to find my way.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 7 ene. 2023
first time using the service, as a tourist, fairly easy to find my way.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 24 dic. 2022
We bought tickets online prior to our trip. When we arrived to the port, we learned the ferry schedule changes at 3:00 PM to hourly, not in the half hour schedule. Not a big deal, just prepare. Service was great. The bellman helped with our luggage, told us where to get food and drinks, and came to get us to board. Quick and pleasant ride over to Read more about review stating We bought tickets online priorIsla Majures.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 24 dic. 2022
We bought tickets online prior to our trip. When we arrived to the port, we learned the ferry schedule changes at 3:00 PM to hourly, not in the half hour schedule. Not a big deal, just prepare. Service was great. The bellman helped with our luggage, told us where to get food and drinks, and came to get us to board. Quick and pleasant ride over to Read more about review stating We bought tickets online priorIsla Majures.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 24 nov. 2022
Very nice. Fast, clean and on time! Easy check in for the tickets and to find the ferry
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 24 nov. 2022
Very nice. Fast, clean and on time! Easy check in for the tickets and to find the ferry
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 10 nov. 2022
Everything went according to plan. Staff did not really offer anything, however nothing was really needed.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 10 nov. 2022
Everything went according to plan. Staff did not really offer anything, however nothing was really needed.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 23 sept. 2022
This ferry was great. Great view, clean boat, fast trip from playa Del Carmen to Cozumel. And the price was very reasonable. They even provided live music! Of course, you should expect to give the musicians a modest Popina after they entertain you. Two drawbacks but not enough to take away the five star rating I gave; one, when you book online it’Read more about review stating This ferry was great. Greats easy, however, they make you print the voucher that they email to you and then you have to bring that voucher to the ticket window for an actual ticket — the whole printing process was inconvenient and a little worrisome since the person that printed it out didn’t have very much ink in the printer. Second, when we went to exchange the printed voucher for the ticket it’s easy to miss the Ultra Mar ticket window because there are so many street vendors trying to get you to buy something that we walked right by the office.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 23 sept. 2022
This ferry was great. Great view, clean boat, fast trip from playa Del Carmen to Cozumel. And the price was very reasonable. They even provided live music! Of course, you should expect to give the musicians a modest Popina after they entertain you. Two drawbacks but not enough to take away the five star rating I gave; one, when you book online it’Read more about review stating This ferry was great. Greats easy, however, they make you print the voucher that they email to you and then you have to bring that voucher to the ticket window for an actual ticket — the whole printing process was inconvenient and a little worrisome since the person that printed it out didn’t have very much ink in the printer. Second, when we went to exchange the printed voucher for the ticket it’s easy to miss the Ultra Mar ticket window because there are so many street vendors trying to get you to buy something that we walked right by the office.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 13 sept. 2022
Very efficient and easily accessible, smooth journey to Isla Mujeres. Would definitely recommend.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 13 sept. 2022
Very efficient and easily accessible, smooth journey to Isla Mujeres. Would definitely recommend.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 9 sept. 2022
Only problem, and it could've been a big one, was that the schedule times were wrong. Make sure to check the schedule directly with the ferry company before you buy.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 9 sept. 2022
Only problem, and it could've been a big one, was that the schedule times were wrong. Make sure to check the schedule directly with the ferry company before you buy.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 27 jun. 2022
Booked online and went to the office of Ultramar who gave us the tickets. Everything went smootly and perfectly. If you gonna visit this island do it with the ferry and don´t waste money on a snorkeling catamaran because there is no coral reef anyhow
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 27 jun. 2022
Booked online and went to the office of Ultramar who gave us the tickets. Everything went smootly and perfectly. If you gonna visit this island do it with the ferry and don´t waste money on a snorkeling catamaran because there is no coral reef anyhow
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 17 may. 2022
Good service, accommodated date changes due to illness.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 17 may. 2022
Good service, accommodated date changes due to illness.
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 4 may. 2022
Great experience!! Make sure to stop at the cashier if you done receive a ticket with your email confirmation
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 4 may. 2022
Great experience!! Make sure to stop at the cashier if you done receive a ticket with your email confirmation
Ferry Ferry de Alta Velocidad, Ultramar, 18 feb. 2022
We had to exchange the online tickets with paper tockets - we had to atand in line for the ticket office. then there was a very long queue to embark the ferry and it was not clear if we were at the right place. The ferry was late. The ride itself was very nice with good live music on board.