Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer

Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer

Sibenik Hotel Transfer
Makarska Hotel Transfer
Tue, Jun 25
One Way
NaN Passengers

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Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer Schedule

Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
Daytrip Comfort 2pax Any time€ 356.40

Transportation from Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer

  • Trains are not available
  • Buses are not available
  • Ferries are not available
  • Flights are not available
  • Taxis are not available
  • Vans are not available

How to get from Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer

Travelling between Sibenik Hotel Transfer and Makarska Hotel Transfer is possible by taxi. At the moment it is the only option available for this route.

How far is Sibenik Hotel Transfer from Makarska Hotel Transfer?

Travelling by land the distance between Sibenik Hotel Transfer and Makarska Hotel Transfer is 76 km while it is about 76 km as the crow flies.

How long does it take to get from Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer?

Travelling by taxi between Sibenik Hotel Transfer and Makarska Hotel Transfer, expect to spend about 2 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer?

taxi tickets for Sibenik Hotel Transfer - Makarska Hotel Transfer route will set you back about USD 381.73. To ensure the best price, buy tickets in advance.

How many trips per day are there between Sibenik Hotel Transfer and Makarska Hotel Transfer?

Taxi is always an attractive option as you can book a cab to take you from Sibenik to Makarska any time of the day.

Useful tips for travelling between Sibenik Hotel Transfer and Makarska Hotel Transfer by taxi

To get from Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer your choice is limited to a single transportation option but it does not mean you cannot make your trip as comfortable as possible. Check our simple hints to avoid disappointment during your travel.


Useful tips for taxi travellers:

  • If you are planning to make detours during your trip, discuss it with your driver or service provider in advance as it may affect the price.
  • If you have any special requirement like a car seat for your kid, let the operating company know it in advance.

Companies offering charters between Sibenik and Makarska


How many travellers choose to get from Sibenik Hotel Transfer to Makarska Hotel Transfer by taxi?

We have sold taxi tickets to 557 passengers. Some of them left reviews on their trip above on this page. Check travellers' reviews to get prepared. They are always the most useful and reliable source of information.