22 Mai 2024
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Raja Ferry

2.351 Kundenrezensionen
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Raja Ferry Zeitplan und Fahrplan

Koh Phangan - Surat Thani Flughafen
05:00, 08:00, 11:00
Koh Samui - Bangkok
13:00, 14:00, 15:00
Surat Thani Flughafen - Koh Phangan
08:00, 09:00, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:45, 16:00
Bangkok - Koh Phangan
Koh Phangan - Surat Thani
05:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:30
Koh Phangan - Bangkok
Bangkok - Koh Samui
Surat Thani Flughafen - Koh Samui
08:00, 09:00, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:45, 16:00
Don Sak - Koh Phangan
Bus Express
05:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 18:00
Bus Fähre
05:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 18:00
Surat Thani - Koh Samui
06:30, 08:00, 09:00, 09:30, 11:00, 12:00, 13:30, 14:00, 16:00, 17:00
Koh Phangan - Don Sak
05:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:30
Koh Phangan - Surat Thani Bahnhof
05:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:30
Koh Samui - Surat Thani Flughafen
05:00, 05:30, 07:00, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 14:30
Surat Thani - Koh Phangan
06:30, 08:00, 09:00, 09:30, 11:00, 12:00, 13:30, 14:00, 16:00
Don Sak - Koh Samui
05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00
Koh Phangan - Khao Sok
05:00, 08:00, 11:00
Koh Samui - Surat Thani
05:00, 05:30, 07:00, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 14:30, 17:00
Surat Thani Bahnhof - Koh Phangan
05:30, 08:00, 10:00, 11:00, 15:00
Koh Samui - Khao Sok
05:30, 06:00, 08:30, 09:00, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00
Koh Samui - Phuket
05:00, 05:30, 08:30, 09:00, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00
Koh Phangan - Phuket
05:00, 08:00, 11:00
Surat Thani Bahnhof - Koh Samui
05:30, 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00
Koh Samui - Don Sak
05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 07:30, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00
Krabi - Koh Phangan
09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00
Koh Phangan - Krabi
05:00, 08:00, 11:00
Koh Samui - Surat Thani Bahnhof
05:00, 05:30, 07:00, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 14:30, 17:00
Krabi - Koh Samui
09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00
Koh Samui - Krabi
05:00, 05:30, 08:30, 09:00, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00

Über Raja Ferry

Während einige Inseln mittlerweile gut mit dem Flugzeug erreichbar sind oder über eine Brücke mit dem Festland verbunden sind, bleiben Fähren oft die einzige Möglichkeit, einige der schönsten Inseln, versteckte Strände oder andere Küsten-Destinationen zu erreichen. Große und langsame Autofähren transportieren weltweit Fahrzeuge und Passagiere, in manchen Fällen sollten Sie sich jedoch für das kleinere, dafür schnellere Express-Schnellboot oder Katamaran entscheiden. Dies spart Zeit, ist jedoch für Leute, die zur Seekrankheit neigen, Vorsicht geboten. Bei rauem Seegang sind Schnellboote die bessere Wahl, da sie die Wellen umgehen, statt zu reiten wie Katamarane – nicht, dass Ihre Reise zu einer Achterbahnfahrt wird. Um Seekrankheit vorzubeugen oder zu vermeiden, empfehlen wir Ihnen ein Medikament einzunehmen – konsultieren Sie Ihren Arzt vor der Reise. Suchen Sie sich an Bord, wenn möglich, einen Sitz auf dem Freiluft-Deck.
Die von Raja Ferry angebotenen Fährreisen können online gebucht werden – einfach und problemlos, ohne Zeit bei einem Fahrkartenschalter zu verschwenden.

Raja Ferry Haupt-Piers

Hier ist eine Liste von einigen Haupt-Piers, die Sie mit den Fähren von Raja Ferry erreichen können. Prüfen Sie die komplette Stationen Liste vor dem Reiseantritt:

  • Fähranlegestelle Thong Sala Phangan
  • Lipa Noi Ko Samui
  • Donsak Raja
  • Flughafen Surat Thani
  • Flughafen Surat Thani
  • Surat Thani Town Raja Ferry
  • Veronica Residence
  • Khao San Montanatip
  • Koh Samui Hotel Transfer
  • Surat Thani Bahnhof

Raja Ferry Fähr-Typen & Ticketpreise

Hochgeschwindigkeitsfähren gehen schnell ins Geld. Falls Sie sparen möchten, erkundigen Sie sich, ob auf Ihrer Strecke eine weniger schnelle Option verfügbar ist – in der Regel sind dort die Preise viel günstiger. Als Faustregel gilt, die Länge der Reise vor der Buchung zu prüfen. Auf längeren Strecken kann die Differenz der Reisezeit einen großen Unterschied machen. Beachten Sie, dass nicht alle Ticketpreise - oder Klassen, immer für alle Strecken verfügbar sind. Während der Hochsaison ist es eine gute Idee im Voraus zu buchen, da die Verfügbarkeit teurer Privatkabinen oft limitiert ist. Wer sich für Walk-in-Tickets für die beliebtesten Routen während dieser Zeit entscheidet, muss mit langen Warteschlangen rechnen. Einige Reiseziele haben mehr als einen Pier oder verschiedene Anlegestellen für verschiedene Fährgesellschaften, deshalb ist es empfehlenswert, das Abgangs/Ankunfts-Pier vor der Abfahrt zu überprüfen. Rechnen Sie genügend Zeit ein, um vor der Abfahrt das richtige Boot zu finden und einzuchecken. Dieser Vorgang kann auf internationalen Routen ein paar Stunden in Anspruch nehmen. Einige Piers erheben ihre eigene ‘Pier-Gebühr’ für alle ankommenden Passagiere. Diese Gebühr ist in der Regel nicht in Ihrem Ticketpreis enthalten – bitte denken Sie daran.

Reisen mit der Fähre: Vor- & Nachteile

Vorteile von Fährreisen

  • Mit einem Schiff ist es möglich, einige der Inseln, Strände oder Küsten-Destinationen zu besuchen, die sonst nicht erreichbar wären. Obwohl die Überfahrt mit einer Fähre zeitaufwendig sein kann und Sie seekrank werden könnten, kompensiert normalerweise die Möglichkeit, die paradiesischen, geheimen und abgelegenen Reiseziele zu besuchen.
  • Fährtickets können online gebucht werden. Dies spart Zeit und stellt sicher, dass Ihr Reiseplan so verläuft wie geplant. Die Vorausbuchung Option ist besonders praktisch, wenn Sie während der Hochsaison, an Feiertagen oder langen Wochenenden reisen, wo immer eine große Nachfrage an Tickets besteht für Strecken, die von einer begrenzten Anzahl an Schiffen bedient werden.
  • Auf einigen Strecken können Sie die Klasse oder die Kabine wählen. Es gibt Privat-Abteile oder Standardkabinen, mit oder ohne Extras. Prüfen Sie immer die Konditionen der Fahrtkosten, um das Beste für Ihre Reise herauszuholen.
  • Fährreisen machen immer Spaß. Es gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die Orte, die Sie besuchen, von einem anderen Blickwinkel aus zu betrachten. Die meisten Orte sehen toll aus - und völlig anders! – wenn man sie vom Wasser aus betrachtet.

Nachteile von Fährreisen

  • Die größte Sorge bei Reisen auf dem Wasser ist die Gefahr, Seekrank zu werden, was eine sehr ärgerliche und unangenehme Sache ist. Selbst wenn Sie noch nie eine Erfahrung gemacht haben, gibt es keine Garantie, dass die nächste Überfahrt ebenfalls reibungslos verlaufen wird. Raue See und Schnellbootfahrten drehen selbst den stärksten Magen um. Befolgen Sie unsere obigen Empfehlungen und nehmen Sie Ihre Medizin eine halbe Stunde vor Abfahrt ein. Eine leichte Mahlzeit vor der Reise kann auch helfen - die Chance, Seekrank zu werden, ist kleiner mit einem vollen Magen.
  • Verspätungen und Annullierungen sind üblich bei Fährreisen, da sie stark von den Wetter- und Seebedingungen abhängen. Dies betrifft vor allem Reisen während der Vor- oder Nebensaison. Regen, unklares Gewässer und stürmisches Wetter können den Reiseplan durcheinanderbringen – versuchen Sie ihn flexibel zu gestalten und planen Sie selbst während der ‘Schönwetter-Saison‘, die Anschlussflüge nicht zu knapp ein.
Mehr erfahren

Raja Ferry Unternehmensbewertungen

2351 Bewertungen von Kunden
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 05.05.2024
Die Aircon war defekt und es war soooooo heiß.
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 28.02.2024
Chat / Support should be free; telephone numbers were not available;
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 11.02.2024
Punctual ferry and Coach service. Ferry ride (have to carry the suitcases to the upper decks by yourself) took just over two and a half hour. VIP coach (3 seats each row) arrived in the airport at 09.45am.
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 09.02.2024
The ferry was late so we missed the bus but they arranged a smaller bus with a really fast driver :)
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 27.01.2024
Overall it was fine, but the ferry had a big delay and the driver on the transfer to the hotel in Samui was very slow.
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 21.01.2024
Shuttle to the ferry was at the wrong pier, extra grab was necessary for getting the ferry just in time
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 12.01.2024
Had a great experience ! I even arrive in advance at the airport. The boat Raja left at 5am from Thong Sala to Donsak. 2h45 trip. Beautiful sunrise. Old boat but it didn’t matter to me. Good atmosphere and very nice people. 15min break. Then at 8am, we took a bus to Surat Thani airport, with differents stops, where Thai people need to stop. Super friendly driver who really wants to satisfy his passengers. We were supposed to arrive at the airport at 10am, but we arrived 15 minutes earlier, which relaxed me before taking my flight. I highly recommend. And the booking with 12go was smooth.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 10.01.2024
Очень все старое и обшарпанное. Лодка пришла с опозданием. Из труб летело огромное количество сажи. Плюс, что нас дождался автобус на 2 часа, на который мы опаздывали из-за того что лодка пришла не вовремя. Здесь работают приятные люди, но все пора ремонтировать и обновлять.
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 21.12.2023
Well, we had a brocken bus and together we left at 9:00 from the hotel in Surast thani to arrive close to 6:00 PM at our hotel in Koh Samui.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 01.12.2023
The Ferry came a little bit late. Toilet is not really useable. People on board are friendly.
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 24.10.2023
All good we liked it
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 24.09.2023
Very Good, but dont know why we had to be there one hour bevor depature.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 11.09.2023
The ferry we booked that was scheduled at 1, was cancelled but luckily the ferry before was delayed. But we were not told that until the last moment and left in confusion. The ferry is very old, but surprisingly the AC was working fine. All in all okay, but will checkout other provider‘s next time. The driver to the port was on time and fast.
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 05.09.2023
It was supposed to be a big bus with toilet but instead it was a minivan. The good point it that the trip was shorts that expected. But the rear seats are really uncomfortable. With the back at 90deg fixed. They are not the same as the middle and front seats.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 30.08.2023
The ferry trip was just fine. The ride in the big bus to Suratthani was comfortable but the ride with the minibus to Khaosok was a kind of adventure... We think the driver has seen the Formula 1 race the day before and he wants to be like Max Verstappen. Most of the time speed was more than 100 km per hour and now and then even 130. Max is 90. We all survived and were earlier than planned at our destination...
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 30.08.2023
La van dónde hicimos el traslado hasta surat Tani era pequeña. Eramos 11 personas y las maletas apenas cabían. Yo iba sentada en un asiento trasero rodeada de maletas sin poder movermez
Bus Ferry + Van + Bus, Raja Ferry, 29.08.2023
Uncomfortable bus to Bangkok, the 4-seat layout just isn’t wide enough to let people sleep comfortably, and my knees pushed into the seat in front. There are better options on the same route, if you want to sleep then use those.
Bus Bus + Van + Ferry, Raja Ferry, 24.08.2023
4 hours too late. Because the bus hit another bus during parking. They need to wait for the insurance and they needed to repair the mirror of the bus till we could continue driving. Change the seat was not free because the boss did not allow. This is not written in the contract. The seats are not very comfortable. Going by ferry was in time and good.
Bus Bus + Van + Ferry, Raja Ferry, 24.08.2023
People in the agency in Bangkok are not nice at all. We stopped only once in 11 hours in the bus. We arrived late so we had to rush to the boat, and couldn't get the top because so many cars blocked us. Otherwise, the bus is quite comfortable but it would be nice to wash the blankets sometimes.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 23.08.2023
Ferry left on time, it' a bit old, but still seems fine. They give you stickers to sort you, where they write where you're going/next connection. Bus was waiting for us at the pier, we had to wait for another ferry and then drop some people in town before going to the train station, so we arrived about 30 minutes after estimated arrival. They last went to the airport, don't know how long that took them, but as they state you should calculate at least 4-5 hours before you flight time. There was a couple that originally booked only to town and they could go to the airport for an additional 100baht per person, so that's an option in case you need it.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 22.08.2023
Everything went well and on time from pick-up point, by very luxury bus, to the ferry at the harbour and the pick-up by small bus on Koh Samui. Our compliments to 12GO...
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 15.08.2023
After we arrived with the ferry, we got on a van, after about an hour of driving we were changed to a bus that stopped at several stops and finally we were changed again to a van that took us to Ao Nang. 6 adults and children with their luggage move from vehicle to vehicle in the rain without first informing me that this is the route. We arrived Exhausted to the hotel from a difficult day. A difficult and unpleasant experience at all.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 09.08.2023
We were freezing all the trip, 19°c and the driver refuse to lower the Air condition
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 07.08.2023
Piped music was a bit loud and the air con a bit asthmatic but excellent value
Bus Express, Raja Ferry, 05.08.2023
No problem, tickets booked one day before, minibus ok and on time, perfect !
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 04.08.2023
the minivan driver took me to another arrival location and did not want to drop off where I was closer to my hotel
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 03.08.2023
All good, good service overall with Raja, altho they could fix their seats… it’s crazy… maintain a bit your boats champs.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 31.07.2023
No airco in the bus to Surat Tahni trainstation. Furthermore, my bag was full of dirt when it came out of the bus.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 22.07.2023
Arriving at the peer for the ferry was a little confusing as to where to go. Boarding the ferry we also a little confusing as to what the process is. That being said, once we realized there is no process. It was simple.
Van Regional 14pax, Raja Ferry, 18.07.2023
All in all ok. But it is very frustrating that there is no information upfront where and when you do a bus change or how much time you have until the next bus arrives. You only know that you trip will involve a ferry and a bus...
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 13.07.2023
Experience was great! Ferry come on time, however the air conditioning no very powerful. suggest checking on it. other than that all good.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 11.07.2023
Simply the worst journey I have had in my time travelling south east Asia. The ferry was absolutely fine, it’s the company Raja use for the transfer between Donsak and Khao Sok that is the issue. There was 5 (!!!) different forms of transport to get on for this part of the journey, upon asking why we have to change again, I was greeted by a very angry man who kept saying what’s your name aggressively. As
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 03.07.2023
Todo perfecto! El personal de las oficinas muy amable y servicial.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 02.07.2023
We were told we’d be there by 12pm if we left Surat Thani at 8am. So we got up early and got the transfer to the ferry. When we arrived to the ferry at 9am we were told our ferry wasn’t leaving until 11am. So we could’ve got extra sleep and got the later transfer as there was only one ferry going. Very disappointing as we had arranged a transfer on Koh Phangan for 12.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 21.06.2023
No one reached out at the ferry dock to get me to airport, I had to figure it out on my own.. no biggie but you’d think they’d say hello when you’re wearing the sticker
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 06.06.2023
Retard du bateau
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 06.05.2023
I arrived 45 minutes early and the bus had already left without me. I was very lucky to find someone willing to help me, they made calls and coordinated for someone else to pick me up. No room in the van for my bags, I had to sit with 2 on top of me and others at my feet, it was a mad rush to get to the ferry in time. Very stressful. Could have easily been avoided.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 03.05.2023
The journey in general has not been bad. But it should be noted that you have to change vehicles 4 times during the trip: first a ferry, then a mini bus, a van and finally a pick-up to get to Ao Nang. On top of that, every time I changed transport I had to say where i was going again because there are the same transport for many destinations and the truth is that it's quite tired all the changes and all the stuff
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 02.05.2023
Very grumpy van driver from Pier to Surat Thani. Not friendly at all? Long wait in Surat Thani for next van.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 20.04.2023
Ferry was to late and longer than 1.5h lasted the journey time. Departure: 10:15 Arrival: 13:00
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 18.04.2023
The ferry ride was fine and nothing bad about it at all, however, our van driver was a maniac, I have never seen worse driving in my life, the danger that the driver put us in constantly was not fun at all, heavily tailgating cars at high speeds, swerving between lanes, taking corners at way too high speeds, I’m not a prude but this guy was taking risks as if he had a court appointment he was late to.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 12.04.2023
The ferry arrived on time and the journey was uneventful, as you would hope. The toilet facilities however were disgusting. The toilet and the floor were filthy and the water from the sink flowed down the drain and onto your feet. The first van from Donsak to Surat Thani was smooth, efficient and comfortable. The second van from Surat Thani to Khao Sok was horrendous. The driver was clearly falling asleep half an hour into the journey. His driving was erratic and dangerous. We ended up having to stop for him to fuel up on coffee, so that he could complete the journey. This resulted in us being an hour late arriving at our destination. The bus was extremely rickety and not well maintained. The engine warning light was on for the duration of the journey and the van itself was very messy and uncomfortable. We couldn’t have been more relieved to arrive at our destination safely!
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 09.04.2023
Driver from Surat Thani to Khao Sok was a complete selfish adding several stops for himself to deliver packages, buying food and visiting people. We arrived an hour late.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 04.04.2023
The ride was good. The driver was unfortunately very rude.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 28.03.2023
It’s not 1:30h. It’s 2:30 and I’ve heard they always get delayed like that
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 12.03.2023
the connection did not work, we didn't all fit in the big bus and were squeezed into a mini van ....driver didn't inform us about a stop, after we had eaten all of our snacks and fruits, the van stopped for a snack break. Meals had to be paid...on our first bus trip in Thailand meals were included..
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 11.03.2023
Check-in and Pick-location was not the one sent in the email/e-ticket. It was a 10 minute ride away near Si Wichai 16. Other than this misinformation everything was well organised.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 09.03.2023
На фото была одна машина, а, по факту, приехала друга с очень не
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 05.03.2023
The pickup place wasnt as in The e-mail. We had to go 2h later.
Fähre Fähre, Raja Ferry, 21.02.2023
Poor service We expect to have a big bus but a mini van took us to a bus station. We were supposed to leave the bus station by 3 pm but falsely we were told the mini van was broken and we waited for about 2hours for them to collect all the passengers to leave.