14 Mai 2024
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781 Kundenrezensionen
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DLTBCo Zeitplan und Fahrplan

Manila - Legazpi
Bus Seater 41
16:00, 18:30, 19:30
Bus Normale Klimaanlage
09:00, 09:30, 16:00, 18:15, 19:30
Bus Lazyboy
Manila - Naga
Bus Normale Klimaanlage
04:00, 04:30, 10:30, 18:00, 19:00
Bus Seater 41
Manila - Camarines Norte
Bus Normale Klimaanlage
06:00, 08:00, 08:30, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 14:30, 16:00, 18:00, 18:30, 19:45, 20:00, 20:05, 20:15, 20:30, 21:00
Bus Greyhound
19:30, 20:00
Naga - Manila
Bus Normale Klimaanlage
20:00, 21:00
Bus Seater 41
Legazpi - Manila
Bus Seater 41
14:30, 16:00, 19:00
Bus Normale Klimaanlage
09:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00
Bus Lazyboy
Manila - Sorsogon
Bus Seater 41
Bus Normale Klimaanlage
05:00, 12:30, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30
Bus Lazyboy
16:30, 17:00
Manila - Camarines Sur
Bus Normale Klimaanlage
09:00, 10:30, 17:30, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 20:45
Bus Seater 41
Bus Lazyboy
19:00, 19:15
Manila - Albay
Bus Normale Klimaanlage
06:00, 07:00, 18:30, 19:00, 19:15, 19:30, 20:30
Bus Seater 41
19:00, 19:30
Manila - Ormoc
06:00, 10:00
Manila - Nord Samar
10:00, 12:00
Manila - Leyte Süd
07:00, 08:00, 13:00, 15:00
Manila - Leyte
09:00, 09:30, 14:00
Camarines Norte - Manila
Bus Normale Klimaanlage
05:00, 06:00, 08:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 17:30, 19:30, 20:30, 21:30, 21:45
Bus Greyhound
Manila - Samar Ost
Laguna - Camarines Norte
19:00, 20:15


Reisen mit dem Bus sind bequem, egal ob Sie in die ein paar Stunden entfernte Nachbarstadt müssen oder quer durch das ganze Land reisen. Was auch immer Ihr Budget ist, Sie werden ein passendes Busticket finden. Express-Busse bieten die günstigen Ticketpreise für Reisende, die nur wenig Geld ausgeben können. VIP-Optionen bieten sich für diejenigen an, die nicht auf Komfort verzichten wollen. Bevor Sie in einen Bus einsteigen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Dienstleistung wählen, die Ihnen am meisten zusagt. Für eine Fernreise, suchen Sie nach einem VIP -oder 1. Klasse-Bus, der einen Non-Stop-Service bis zum Ziel anbietet oder nur an wenigen Stationen anhält. Express oder lokale Busse können für Kurztrips eine akzeptable Option sein, für längere Strecken jedoch nicht die beste Wahl. Studieren Sie den Fahrplan vorher, da viele Langstrecken-Destinationen von Nachtbussen bedient werden, die breitere Sitze oder Schlafkojen anbieten. Reservieren Sie Ihr Busticket online mit DLTBCo. Die Bewertung anderer Reisender hilft Ihnen bei der Auswahl des richtigen Tickets und der besten Bus-Klasse.

DLTBCo Beliebte Stationen

Hauptstationen die mit Bussen von DLTBCo’s bedient werden:

  • Paranaque Integrated Terminal
  • Aurora Cubao
  • Naga Zentral Jeep-Terminal
  • Legazpi Grand Central Terminal
  • LRT Buendia
  • Pasay Tramo
  • Daet
  • Partas Terminal
  • Alabang
  • Turbina DLTBCo

DLTBCo Top Reiseziele

DLTBCo Ticketpreise & Bus-Klassen

Etwas vom Besten an Busreisen ist, dass Sie die Reise individuell an Ihre Bedürfnisse nach Privatsphäre und Komfort anpassen können. Verschiedene Bus-Klassen und -Typen erfüllen die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen der Reisenden. Die günstigsten Fahrten werden in der Regel von Bussen der Standardklasse angeboten. Auch Lokal, Express oder Normal genannt. Diese Busse sind eine gute Wahl für kürzere Reisen. Schlafbusse oder VIP-Busse eignen sich gut für längere Fahrten, aber auch für Nachtreisen. Sie bieten oftmals Schlafkojen mit weichen Liegesitzen an, manchmal mit eingebauten Massage-Optionen, Decken, Erfrischungsgetränken und Snacks, einer richtigen Mahlzeit an Bord oder während Toiletten- oder Tankstopps. Mit der Reise in einem Nachtbus sparen Sie auch an Hotelkosten, Sie sollten jedoch die Bus-Klasse mit Bedacht wählen, um eine komfortable Reise zu gewährleisten. Die Preise hängen immer von der Distanz und der Art des Busses ab. Für einige, selbst kürzere Reisen lohnt es sich, etwas mehr Geld in einen VIP-Bus Sitzplatz zu investieren, da Sie damit doppelt so viel Zeit sparen, wie mit einem Standard-Bus.

Reisen mit dem Bus: Vor- & Nachteile

Vorteile von Busreisen

  • Der Bus ist die beste Wahl, um Reisedestinationen zu erreichen, die nicht mit der Bahn oder dem Flugzeug verbunden sind. Das Busnetzwerk deckt fast das ganze Land ab und die Strecken sind gut und lange etabliert.

  • Im Gegensatz zu Flug- und manchmal Bahnreisen, müssen Sie nicht viel vorher am Busterminal sein. Selbst bei internationalen Strecken nimmt der Check-in nicht viel Zeit in Anspruch. Gepäckvorgaben sind in der Regel sehr reisefreundlich und die Gebühr für zusätzliches Gepäck, sofern es ein Limit gibt, ist normalerweise nicht sehr hoch.

  • Bustickets sind erschwinglicher, im Vergleich mit Flug- oder Schnellzügen. Es gibt immer eine Auswahl an verschiedenen Ticketklassen, da ist etwas für jeden Geldbeutel dabei. Günstigere Standardoptionen sind vielleicht etwas langsamer und bieten keinen Top-Komfort, sind aber trotzdem akzeptabel und bringen Sie ans Ziel. Auf längeren Strecken sind Toiletten oder Toiletten Stopps, sowie Snacks, Wasser und manchmal auch Toilettenartikel und Decken, praktisch immer im Preis inbegriffen.

  • Falls Sie bereit sind mehr auszugeben, einige VIP-Busse bieten Sitze an, die mit der Business Class im Flugzeug vergleichbar sind, mit breiten, weichen Liegesitzen, Decken, weniger Passagieren und vielen anderen Annehmlichkeiten, um Ihre Reise so angenehm wie möglich zu machen.

Nachteile von Busreisen

  • Neuere Intercity Bus Terminals befinden sich oft außerhalb der Stadt, in der Nähe von großen Autobahnen, damit die Busse den Stau vermeiden können. Leider kann dies für die Reisenden eine zusätzliche Herausforderung sein. Die Anreise zu einem solchen Terminal kann problematisch werden, weil an einigen Destinationen Beschränkungen für Fahrzeuge gelten, die zum Terminal zugelassen sind, das heißt, Sie müssen spezielle Transportunternehmen benutzen, um dorthin zu gelangen. Dies führt zu höheren Kosten, da die Preise überteuert sein können. Rechnen Sie extra Zeit ein, wenn Sie während der Hauptverkehrszeit reisen, vor allem, wenn Sie sich nicht mit der Verkehrssituation am Abgangsort auskennen.

  • Busse sind wahrscheinlich das Transportmittel, das am meisten vom Fahrplan abweicht, öfters als Züge und Flugzeuge. Sie sind stark von der Straßensituation abhängig, die oft schwer vorauszusagen ist - Unfälle, Straßenarbeiten, Umleitungen usw. Dies gilt vor allem für Reisen über das Wochenende, während der Hochsaison oder an Feiertagen. Vergessen Sie dies nicht und planen Sie Anschlussverbindungen nicht zu knapp ein.

  • Einige Strecken oder Reisen während der beliebtesten Reisezeit erfordern eine Vorausbuchung. Bedenken Sie, dass es nicht immer möglich ist, an der Busstation zu erscheinen und gleich in den nächsten Bus einzusteigen – die Tickets sind möglicherweise alle ausverkauft, planen Sie Ihre Reise deshalb entsprechend.

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    DLTBCo Unternehmensbewertungen

    781 Bewertungen von Kunden
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 08.03.2024
    The older style for selecting the seat is much better since it matches the actual setup on the bus. This new style is confusing and a little hard to identify which seats were on the window side and which were on the isle
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 06.03.2024
    The booking said it will take 7 hours and 45 minutes however I was transferred to another bus as I paid for a lazy boy. Then there was a mechanical failure that got us stuck in Atimonan for 4 hours as we had to wait for another bus to rescue us. It took me 12 hours to get to my destination. The bus was very cold that it makes the whole journey very uncomfortable.
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 19.01.2024
    The trip took us 17 hrs to reach our destination. Very uncomfortable and tiring.
    Bus Greyhound, DLTBCo, 05.01.2024
    3 seaters Pina reserve ko pinili kopa nmn yng sa dulo single seater tpos nakita ko 4 seaters na tsk. Buti pa penarancia nd isarog kung ano nsa ad picture naka post yun massakyan mo. Bad experience sa DLTBCO
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 08.12.2023
    At Cubao 2 hours late departure, scheduled 17:30, departed nearly 20:00. Arrival scheduled 01:59am arrived Goa 10 hours later at 12lunch time about....great.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 30.11.2023
    Well, maganda ang experience ko sa DLTB and medyo na-late lang yung papunta ko ng Legazpi that time and pauwi dun lang naging on time. Hassle lang na inabot ako ng 14 hrs instead of 10 hrs lang
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 30.10.2023
    I left my documents at the DLTB terminal Aurora Cubao. I contacted the Hotline numbers, as well as the operator of the bus but no one answered my call. No one is willing to address my concern. My documents are very evident because those are the results of my laboratory testing on my health Condition. Sad to say that your in charge personnel don't have the professionalism on getting touched with the concern of the passed gers. Thank you. I hope I can get positive response on this.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 30.10.2023
    Excellent service. Fast and reliable. Highly recommended
    Bus Greyhound, DLTBCo, 14.10.2023
    Pictures from the website was not the real photo of the bus we booked. In the website it was 2x1 seats so we booked it, but when we arrived at the terminal the girl who assisted us said that there were no bus with seats that we want that will travel that day. But obviously on the website they have. Also seating arrangements was very confusing on the website.
    Bus Greyhound, DLTBCo, 08.10.2023
    I was left by the designated bus, was rold that i will be picked up in Buendia statiin and waited for 4 hrs. Was transferred in Turbina and the travel took 10 hours from Turbina to Naga.
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 20.09.2023
    The change of bus type happened on the day of my trip, from LazyBoy to Greyhound. They did refund the excess fare given the changes.
    Bus Greyhound, DLTBCo, 18.09.2023
    It was great, I only have one suggestion. The teller in Buendia Station is insisting on having a the online reservation be printed next time we travel, she had successfully confirmed the booking anyway which is great. I just don't see the need to have it printed since the transaction was already made digitized. but it was a great and easy experience.
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 30.08.2023
    I was booked online and was not allowed to be picked up at a certain place instead of my convenience. I needed to head to Legazpi Grand Terminal from Ligao Diversion and it took an hour ride by bus carried all my luggages. Very uncomfortable.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 03.08.2023
    Booking in 12Go is reliable and trustworthy. Thanks 12Go!
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 20.07.2023
    The bus did not arrive on time. Which was understandable but the bus has us running from one to another gate.. Warning or advisory was not made very clear. Driver and conductor was a little rude. At least the man at the gate 1 was kind enough to assist us.
    Bus Greyhound, DLTBCo, 07.07.2023
    The ride was very nice. But we got stuck in an almost 3 hour traffic jam because of a truck that flipped over. We did not have TV, and the reclining function for seat number 4 did not work.
    Bus Greyhound, DLTBCo, 06.07.2023
    We left at 9pm instead of 7:30 sched. They had to fix the bus. Arrive at 7am which 10hrs. The bus made multiple stops
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 16.06.2023
    First time to be in PITX it was good, clean and orderly. A lot of restos and food stalls to choose.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 13.06.2023
    So many stops over. It was a long overdue trip journey.
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 07.06.2023
    Seats very worn out but drivers where very careful and attentive.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 15.05.2023
    Time of arrival is delayed. Driver is picking up some passengers on the road.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 13.05.2023
    It took almost 17hrs travel to Gubat which is supposed to be 12hrs only.The bus transferred the passengers to another bus somewhere in Albay.Its uncomfortable and difficult for passengers.Travel time is longer (5hrs more)than expected and then suddenly transferred to another bus.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 03.05.2023
    We left pitx on time at 12pm which was perfect but since the bus was not full, the bus literally went to every dltb terminals to get more passengers. I don’t know if this is a protocol but this made our supposed 8.5 hrs time to be 12.5 hrs from 12pm to 12:15am the following morning. And this is without traffic.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 01.05.2023
    We end up to 20hrs travel from PITX to Sorsogon City
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 01.03.2023
    Bus driver was a bit reckless when stepping on the brakes. The staff, I don’t know if it’s the driver or conductor was kind of rude when I asked if the bus was going to leave already while on stopover because I was about to change my clothes, and his response were sarcastic.
    Bus Neue Normalität, DLTBCo, 10.02.2023
    I paid almost PHP 1,500.00 for a ticket that only worth PHP 1,150.00 and for a falsely presented seating arrangement.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 05.02.2023
    need to review your online booking fee, it’s little expensive. please penalize late carriers
    Bus Neue Normalität, DLTBCo, 12.01.2023
    The bus is good quality and on schedule but I have to go out and look for printer to print my ticket!
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 10.01.2023
    Bus arrived on time, but I was disappointed, because it stood by for 2 hrs. to one of its terminals. Without informing us the reason behind.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 06.01.2023
    The bus has no wiper thats why our travel is 12hrs from manila to daet..its rainy and the bus run slowly because of defective wiper. Next time see to it that the bus is in good condition before using it for long travel.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 03.01.2023
    at first akala ko scam si 12go legit siya lalo na pag peak season 12-27-2022 ako nag book and may nakuha akong slot 12-28-2022 overall okay naman pero 4 star lang since hindi nasunod yung sched time 8:20 pm ang book ko pero 11 pm na dumating may abiso thru text yung additional na 88 pesos pero hindi ko naman narereceived yung text ng telles, plus yung upuan ng bus new normal 3 seats na pantay pero hiwahiwalay and iba sa nabook namin na dapat 2 seats na magkadikit other than that no probs na if sa pitx ka wag lang kalimutan iprint yung voucher sa 2nd floor ticket booth 1 dltb magkadikit lang yung palitan ng voucher at boarding na counter kaya di nakakalito.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 29.12.2022
    The conductor and driver are kind and the travel is overall safe and sound. Praise God.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 24.12.2022
    Delayed at departure from cubao to iriga no flash of departure in legazpi at screen
    Bus Neue Normalität, DLTBCo, 12.12.2022
    bus 1175 has a very small and tight space...clearly for small sized passenger only...the price does not compensate to the quality of travel the passenger will have ..i hope to see some adjustment to the seat quality or even the price for that matter..
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 22.11.2022
    The staff in ticketing office is accomadating and the driver is nice also
    Bus Neue Normalität, DLTBCo, 20.11.2022
    The driver and conductor was very much accommodating. Very friendly.
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 15.11.2022
    Even if we booked online, upon checking in at the counter of the bus company, we needed to print out the booking page, unnecessary inconvenience for the clients. Why doesn't the company have a Bluetooth-ready printer? Even if they charge us, it is ok rather than go out and have it printed somewhere else. The Lazyboy chair was defective.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 10.11.2022
    Travel time took longer than it should be. Normally it's just 8hrs, ours went 12hrs from pitx to labo Too many vendors are coming up and they are too loud and noisy doesn't care if the passengers are sleeping
    Bus Neue Normalität, DLTBCo, 09.11.2022
    It was on time and the people operating the bus was great, the downside was temperature on the bus that was freezing. So tip is to bring a blanket (or two)
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 04.11.2022
    The bus arrived late on the expected time provided.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 04.11.2022
    Bad. Hindi accommodating ung nasa counter ng DLTB. Not comfortable naging byahe namin dahil ung supposedly na lagayan namin ng bagahe inoccupy ng iba so kami ung nahirapan.
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 02.11.2022
    They asked me at the counter to print the actual voucher which is pointless if you define online booking. You need improve on this, it takes a lot of time to queue, look for a printing station and queue again.
    Bus Neue Normalität, DLTBCo, 27.10.2022
    Change your dltb teller in pitx. They had attitude problem.
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 17.10.2022
    Does not accept electronic copies of tickets/booking which is paid ahead. They even asked us to print a copy 15 mins before the departure time. Please improve your ticketing service
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 14.10.2022
    all the restrooms at stopovers are aweful, disgusting! paying 5-10 pesos, NO tissue, NO soap😝
    Bus Neue Normalität, DLTBCo, 03.10.2022
    A lot of terminal stops. Understandable but very annoying.
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 03.10.2022
    The back sits cannot adjust the back and leg rest - defective. Very uncomfortable during a long hour of travel.
    Bus Neue Normalität, DLTBCo, 28.09.2022
    DLTB changed the bus from 1x1x1 to 2x2, why they are changing buses without the knowledge of the passengers. Turned down.
    Bus Lazyboy, DLTBCo, 07.09.2022
    The female staff at the PITX booking office were superb in terms of customer service. Please give them a monetary bonus or promote them to a higher position. The bus was of excellent condition... seats were comfortable and aircon was cold. However, upon arrival at our destination, the conductor (older man) just opened the baggage compartment but did not remove the baggages inside. He let us step on mud and bend over inside the compartment just to retrieve our luggages. He was also cursing and appeared pissed off for an unknown reason.
    Bus Normale Klimaanlage, DLTBCo, 23.08.2022
    Comments: (1) We boarded the wrong bus because the bus didn't put a sign (2) The location of the DLTBCo booth to get QR code is at the oppositte side of where the bus is (my mom is a PWD).