15 5月 2024

Kumho Samco

590 条用户评论
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Kumho Samco 计划 & 时间表

胡志明市 - 金边
公共汽车 卧铺
06:45, 07:00, 08:30, 08:45, 13:30
公共汽车 座
07:30, 11:00
金边 - 胡志明市
公共汽车 卧铺
06:45, 07:00, 07:30, 08:45, 13:30
公共汽车 座
07:30, 09:30, 10:00, 10:15
美奈 - 胡志明市
02:00, 07:00, 08:00, 08:15, 10:00, 11:30, 12:30, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 15:30, 17:00
胡志明市 - 美奈
07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 10:00, 11:30, 13:00, 14:30, 16:00, 18:00, 21:30
胡志明市 - 大叻
公共汽车 卧铺
07:00, 12:00, 13:00, 22:00, 23:00
公共汽车 VIP 24
07:00, 23:00
大叻 - 胡志明市
公共汽车 VIP 24
14:30, 22:30
公共汽车 卧铺
08:30, 13:30, 14:30, 22:00, 23:00
胡志明市 - 芽庄
09:30, 21:30
胡志明市 - 河仙
08:30, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 13:15, 13:45, 21:30, 21:45, 22:30, 23:00
迪石 - 胡志明市
11:45, 12:15, 23:00
胡志明市 - 迪石
08:30, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 13:15, 13:45, 21:00, 21:30, 21:45, 22:30, 23:00
胡志明市 - 頭頓市
06:00, 07:00, 07:15, 08:00, 09:00, 09:30, 09:45, 10:00, 10:30, 10:45, 11:00, 12:00, 12:15, 13:00, 13:15, 14:00, 14:15, 15:00, 15:30, 15:45, 16:00, 17:00, 17:15, 18:00
河仙 - 胡志明市
09:45, 11:30, 13:30, 20:15, 21:00, 22:00, 22:15, 22:30
美奈 - 芽庄
00:30, 01:00
芽庄 - 胡志明市
12:00, 12:30, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30
芽庄 - 美奈
胡志明市 - 多樂
公共汽车 半卧铺
21:30, 22:30
公共汽车 VIP 舱
多樂 - 胡志明市
公共汽车 卧铺
07:00, 08:30
公共汽车 半卧铺
09:00, 12:00, 21:00
公共汽车 座
公共汽车 VIP 舱

关于 Kumho Samco

大巴是一种便捷的旅行方式,无论是去几个小时车程的邻近城镇,还是穿越整个国家去探索更远的地方。无论预算多少,大巴都能满足您的需求。快速大巴为手头拮据的旅客提供最实惠的票价,而VIP大巴为主要针对舒适度要求高的旅客。购票前,确保选择最适合您的大巴类型。 如果是长途旅行,可以选乘VIP大巴或一等大巴直达目的地,或者只在沿途少数几个车站停靠。通常,快车或本地大巴比较适合短途旅行,但如果是长途旅行往往就不划算了。出发前先看一下时刻表,因为许多长途目的地都有夜间大巴,并且有些夜间大巴为长途旅行提供更宽的座位或卧铺。在线预订Kumho Samco的车票。其他旅客的评论有助您选择最合适的大巴车票和级别。

Kumho Samco热门车站

Kumho Samco的大巴覆盖的主要车站包括:

  • 胡志明 Kumho 4
  • 金边 Kumho
  • 范五老街275E 号
  • 棉登
  • 藩切 Kumho
  • 胡志明 Kumho 2
  • 大叻锦湖
  • 胡志明 Kumho 3
  • 美奈 Kumho
  • 棉泰汽车站

Kumho Samco大巴类型和票价




  • 大巴是前往不通铁路或飞机的地方的最佳选择。大巴网络通常几乎覆盖整个国家,并且路线成熟合理。
  • 与飞机和铁路相反,坐大巴不需要提前很多时间到达汽车站。即使是在跨国路线上检票也不需要很多时间。大巴的行李限额通常对旅客非常友好,即使有限额设定,额外行李的费用通常也不会很高。
  • 与飞机票或快铁车票相比,汽车票更实惠。种类繁多的车票类型可供各种预算的旅客选择。便宜的标准大巴可能有点慢,舒适度也不够好,但可以将旅客送达目的地也算尚可接受。而长途大巴则提供车上厕所、或停站如厕,以及零食和水,有时洗漱用品和毯子都包含在大巴票价里。
  • 如果您的预算充足,可以选择VIP大巴。这些VIP大巴配备了可以比拟飞机商务舱的座位,拥有宽大且柔软的躺椅和毛毯,乘客数量也不多,以及许多让您旅行愉快的其他福利。


  • 新建的城际大巴车站通常位于市区外的高速公路附近,方便大巴避开市区的拥堵。不过这也会给旅客带来更多的麻烦。如何到达大巴车站可能就是个问题,因为一些地方对进入大巴车站的车辆有限制,旅客不得不乘坐专门的交通工具才能到达大巴车站。由于这些交通工具的价格可能被抬高,旅行的成本也会跟着上升。如果在交通高峰期出行,特别是在不熟悉出发地的交通状况时,一定要多计算些交通拥堵的时间。
  • 大巴可能比火车或飞机更容易晚点。大巴在很大程度上依赖于道路情况,有时可能由于一些无法预测的事故、道路工事、绕行等而晚点,在周末、旺季或法定假日旅行时尤其如此。务必记住,不要计划连接紧密的行程。
  • 在一些路线或最受欢迎的时期旅行可能需要提前预订大巴车票。请记住,不要以为可以直接到汽车站赶上最近的一班大巴,因为到您到达车站时车票很可能已经售罄,所以要提前预订好车票。

Kumho Samco 站

Kumho Samco 公司评论

公共汽车 卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2023年7月1日
Автобус старый и грязный, шторки порванные. Мы даже заметили таракана в автобусе. Зато в автобусе есть Wi-Fi. В целом поездка прошла достаточно комфортно, если не считать того, что водитель постоянно сигналит. В начале поездки нам предложили заплатить 40$ за визу в Камбоджу, но мы отказались и купили визу самостоятельно на границе за 30$ (это было не сложно и не заняло много времени).
公共汽车 卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2023年5月30日
It took more than 7h instead of the 4h planned. We were dropped far from the destination to wait to change bus. It was really bad experience.
公共汽车 卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2023年5月25日
The bus is clean and comfortable - if over 6foot then will be a little small but still very good. Would happily get again. You get on the local bus to the sleeper bus which is ~30 minutes of of the city, a really easy transition as people check tickets and point you to the right bus. 5*
公共汽车 卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2022年12月28日
Took 7 hours. The trip is to long. Most busses took only 6h max
公共汽车 卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2022年12月27日
Bus was clean, seats a bit narrow, and short (you need to be laying down all the time), but quite comfortable in overall. Border crossing took way more than I had anticipated and, together with all the stops that we made, the whole trip lasted 7.5 hours. Also the procedure on the Moc Bai - Ba Vet border crossing was a bit confusing. First step was that once we were on board in Saigon, we handed all our passports to the bus company person. Then on the borders he gave them to the Vietnamese authorities who after stamping them they gave them back directly to us. We then boarded the bus again for a few meters and then got off again at Cambodia side. There we gave the passport to the Cambodian authorities and continued without them. We even got on the bus and went to a restaurant nearby. After about half an hour the bus company person showed with the tickets at hand stamped by the Cambodian authorities. This part was the trickiest since noone had explained beforehand what the procedure would be and kept all of us wondering if everything is going to be ok with our passports. Everything was perfectly fine in the end, and I am just mentioning our experience to prepare future travelers. We continued our trip with no problems. One more thing that's worth mentioning for anyone traveling with a small kid, is that even though they are not required to get a ticket in general (as long as they share the seats with their parents), when crossing borders in particular, they need to get something like a "half" ticket. At least that's what the bus company claimed. So we paid 250000 VND upon boarding in Saigon.
公共汽车 卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2022年11月24日
I had a no frills transportation from Ho Chi Minh to Phnom Penh through this Bus operator. They even helped me to get visa on arrival which requires some extra documentations for Indian passport holders. I recommend Indian passport holders to obtain Combodia e-visa online, at least a week before the travel to avoid such issues. Bus ride was comfortable, sleeper seats were good enough even though a little less spacious than that of another bus we took within Vietnam. Also this route is 3 times costlier than the same distance travelled within Vietnam. But that's the same for all bus companies running in this route. Bus arrived a few hours later than expected time even though it's still ok for the distance covered. I think it's better if the expected time can be updated to reflect the common time of arrival. - Review by Neo Sree. Checkout NeoSree Stories online for detailed travel stories.
公共汽车 卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2022年10月30日
Very comfi seats, easy border from Phnom Penh Cambodia to ho chi minh Vietnam. They had stops for toilet and the drivers are very friendly,helpful,courteous. the employees/driver are made everything easy to check in the border for us. I would Book again. It was a very Nice experience!
公共汽车 座, Kumho Samco, 2022年10月27日
Had a pleasant trip. Definitely took longer than stated but was haopy to have the toilet vreaks
公共汽车 卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2022年10月14日
Confortable sleeper bus, although not designed for the size of westerners. I'm 5' 10" and could just fit, however the footwell is very tight - your feet will have to sit at right angles! Pick-up point at Mien Dong was easy - e-ticket tells you which of the 50 ticket windows to go to, they then give you a paper ticket with the bus's vehicle registration to aid finding it. Drop-off point is NOT in Phan Thiet - it stops short at Phu Thuy, then you can take a taxi.
公共汽车 座, Kumho Samco, 2022年8月11日
I don't know why you put the legal disclaimer about this operator service in the voucher because service and the bus were pretty comfy, even for European standards. I don't give 5 stars because they were more than a hour late.
公共汽车 半卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2022年6月27日
Very convenient transportation. Affordable, Bus clean and conformable. Trip last a bit longer than expected A bit lost during border crossing as staff did not speak english but by following the group it worked.
公共汽车 半卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2022年6月22日
Aside from the ticket telling us to arrive at an office in HCMC an hour before, and that being completely wrong, the rest of the journey was good. Go straight to the bus terminal where the bus leaves from and not the office for the “mid transfer”
公共汽车 半卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2020年3月24日
Due to Corona virus and foreigner i felt myself unconfortable.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Kumho Samco, 2020年3月23日
The bus was on time and in the border everything was smooth. Although operator representative on the bus didn't speak any English it was little bit hard to understand why they collected our passports and where to go but we followed some locals and did as they did. Basically they collected passports on the bus then gave them back before Camobodian border. We had to leave the bus and showed our passport when we got the stamp that we left Cambodia. Then before we got back to the bus the company's representator collected again our passports and we drove a little bit to enter Vietnam. Then we had to take our bags and went inside where representator dealed with passports. When everything was okay then we had to scan our bags and got back to the bus. We had multiple entry visa to Vietnam, so we didn't deal with the money.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Kumho Samco, 2020年3月19日
The VIP bus was amazing value. Really comfortable berths and free shuttle to our accommodation in dalat.
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年3月17日
Все прошло замечательно, автобус подали вовремя, на борту был хороший WiFi, была одна остановка в пути. Доехали до места назначения очень хорошо. ????????????????
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年3月15日
The warning we got from 12go about this company's service couldn't have been more far from the truth. The bus was brand new, staff very friendly, the ride was on time, and we got dropped off in front of our next hotel. Very comfortable trip!
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年3月8日
This is not VIP. The bus doesn't have a toilet. A seat like on a regular sleep bus. TV was broken
公共汽车 VIP舱, Kumho Samco, 2020年3月4日
Great trip and nice stop for lunch the drivers even dropped me to my hotel! Thanx.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Kumho Samco, 2020年3月4日
Small sleeping place, I am 1.81.cm and still it was hard to sleep. Other than that, bus was punctual and clean.
公共汽车 半卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月29日
Bus was to late and had a lot of ‘drop off’ spots. Bus was confortable and service good. Wifi on the bus. It was a good trip!
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月27日
Au vue des commentaires je m'attendais à bien pire . Le bus était quasiment vide ce qui permettait de se mettre où l'on voulait . Cependant je suis reste a mon siège attitré qui était un siège unique . Les sièges sont confortable et l'espace pour les jambes est spacieux . De plus ils donnent une petite bouteille d'eau. Le bus était a l'heure Cependant payant 5$ d'extra pour le visa en passant par la compagnie j'ai du payer 1$ supplémentaire car soit disant j'avais un e-visa pour le Vietnam
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月27日
Всё отлично. Только не было wi fi
公共汽车 VIP舱, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月26日
3 hour delay, when bus was driving very annoying clicking sound can be heard, bus driver sounded he was arguing/shouting the whole time, bus was a semi sleeper instead of a sleeper
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月24日
Comfy and clean. Crossing border was easy, just give your passport and money to the bus operator and they take care of everything. Stick with your group and remember what your bus looks like :)
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月23日
Muy ràpido y comodo. Llegamos antes y nos pusieron en el autobus anterior sin coste!! Autobus muy VIP. Gracias!!!
公共汽车 VIP舱, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月13日
Die Busfahrt war sehr gut...allerdings ging es ziemlich holprig los...um 9 war gebucht halb waren wir da, der Shuttle zum Bus allerdings schon weg...ok, wir haben uns ein Taxi zum Busparkplatz genommen...das Problem war die Kommunikation im Office die Angestellte sprach kein wort Englisch
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月10日
We arrived an hour before which was excellent! It was nice to be in a minivan - especially when we got to the border cause we did’nt had to wait for the entire bus at the border to pass - but just s small group since we travelled in a minivan! So I all went quite Quick and smoothly. Allthough, they were really bad at giving out information. Especially when we had to hand over our passport to them for a while which was quite uncomfortable. But later we understood that they did it to make the process faster :-)
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月9日
We were in luck with the driver. Super professional. The staff at the office was also very helpful. Smiles
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年2月8日
Clean and comfortable. Driver and Assistant are friendly too.
公共汽车 快速, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月14日
Charging 5 USD for the visa (on top of the visa fee) is fine by me, let's call it a service fee. But why the hell do I need to pay another dollar for having an e-visa for Vietnam when I am leaving Vietnam, this I won't understand. You need a bribe- fine, but please let me know beforehand, because I had no dollars left and was thus threatened by the fat cat Vietnamese immigration officer as well as the bus staff who was fully cooperating with him. It's not about the amount, it's about the employees being dicks.
公共汽车 半卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月13日
The bus itself was fine but being 6'1" or 185cm made the seating fairly cramped.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月9日
Excelente servicio, el bus estaba buenisimo, muy comodo y a tiempo, recomendado
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月7日
Comfort ok, seats a little bit narrow. Quiet No wifi
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月5日
The trip is fine. Just got confused why have stop and eat lunch around 15:00 near the border.
公共汽车 半卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月5日
No wifi working, frequent short stops to let the driver off to do shopping for? Other than that was fine.
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月4日
This is a really lovely bus.. Unfortunately there is no toilet and the driver was very dangerous. He was cutting cars off and two nearly crashed into a concrete barrier. I felt significantly more unsafe than ever on this bus. The first toilet stop was 2.5 to 3 hours into the trip so be warned. The lady working at Mui Ne Kumho was also extremely rude to my friend when she was checking us in.
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月2日
Everything was well arranged. We got water, we had one break and they dropped us at the hotel in Mui Ne.
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月1日
Really easy to travel. There was planet and everything.
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2020年1月1日
Супер комфортный бас. Вайфай, usb-разъём под зарядку, кондишка и пледик. Даже довезли поближе к отелю ???? Лучше брать верхнюю полку.
公共汽车 半卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月31日
Informative on board announcements that ensure you'll not be missing information. No problem at all.
公共汽车 半卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月31日
Rien a redire a part sur l'hygiène de la climatisation mais ça c'est partout pareil
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月31日
Bus agréable. Le bus est parti en retard et a prit des personnes à passant sur son chemin qui rallongea la durée du trajet. L’assistant du chauffeur nous demande 1$ pour tamponner la sortie du vietnam. Aucune information en amont n’était indiqué. Seul les européens ont payés pour ce « service ». Les indications sont très vagues lors du passage de la frontière du Vietnam et du Cambodge. Personne ne sait ce qu’il doit faire exactement. Mais bon 20 minutes plus tard nous avions notre tampon de sortie. Arrêt dans un self où les prix ne sont pas affichés. Avis mitigé sur cette compagnie.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月31日
Amazing trip. After reading the reviews I was very scared, but I guess we were lucky. The seats were really comfortable and large (I am tall but I had loads of space for my legs), the bus was really clean, and we had an overall great trip. We did arrive 1 hour late but we knew traffic wasn't reliable in these countries. Only small down points: no wifi, and the border crossing wasn't super clear, but that's fine. I would definitely recommend.
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月30日
Took the bus from Mui Ne to Saigon. Office at Mui Ne was easy to locate. The bus departed with 40 minutes delay. Bunks were not assigned, it was first-come-first-served. The sleeper bus was brand new, with luxurious leather bunks and actually clean. Each bunk was equipped with: - 2 USB charging ports, - Reading light, - Privacy curtains, - Cup holder, Bunk fit my 183cm tall self quite comfortably. The ride was smooth. The bus made 1 stop midway at: W84F+4P Xuân Phú, Xuân Lộc District, Dong Nai. That place had new clean toilets. Food was sold at higher than normal prices as expected. I paied 25k for a big white bun. Overall, this was a (unexpectedly) good experience and I would recommend it.
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月30日
The sleeper bus is comfy and clean. It has wifi on board and has free water and wet tissue. The only thing is the bus came late, but not too long... and the waiting area during that time has to electricity. it was too hot then. overall is good. will recommend.
公共汽车 半卧铺, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月28日
Отличный автобус,заезжали на обед во вкуснейший и дешевый ресторан
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月27日
The bus was so comfortable and nice! I had a good sleep on the bus. Our bus got delayed and I think every bus is not on time due to traffic so if your schedule would be tight, you should take a previous bus than the actual one you take.
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月27日
All was great. The sleeping bus is really confortable. We received water into thr car and they let us exactly.in front of our hotel. ( the drivers dont know no word in english so you have to speak with the hands sometimes ;)) )
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢41, Kumho Samco, 2019年12月26日
I do n’t know why the bus came and the staff didn’t let us on. She said let us wait for the next bus. Finally we took the 2:30 bus.I'm confused.And difficult to communicate with her. But buying tickets on this platform is very reliable. Convenient and efficient.