21 5月 2024

Full Moon Party Tour

210 条用户评论
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Full Moon Party Tour 计划 & 时间表

會安 - 芽庄
公共汽车 卧铺 40
16:00, 16:10, 18:00, 18:10
公共汽车 卧铺38
18:00, 18:10
公共汽车 VIP 舱
17:50, 18:00, 18:05, 18:50, 19:00, 20:20, 20:30
河内 - 沙巴
06:15, 07:10, 07:15, 07:30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:15, 10:20, 11:05, 11:20, 11:30, 12:00, 12:20, 12:30, 13:15, 13:30, 14:05, 14:30, 15:30, 17:20, 18:50, 19:00, 21:15, 21:50, 22:00, 22:05, 22:45, 22:50
沙巴 - 河内
06:50, 07:00, 07:50, 08:00, 08:50, 09:00, 09:50, 10:00, 10:50, 11:00, 12:50, 13:00, 13:50, 14:00, 14:50, 15:50, 16:00, 16:50, 17:00, 17:50, 19:30, 20:30, 21:20, 22:00, 22:20, 22:50, 23:00
豐芽 - 顺化
04:00, 06:50, 07:00, 08:50, 09:00, 09:10, 18:50, 19:00
寧平 - 顺化
公共汽车 VIP 舱
18:10, 18:20, 18:30, 18:40, 18:50, 19:00, 19:05, 19:10, 19:30, 19:40, 19:50, 20:00, 20:05, 20:10, 20:15, 20:20
公共汽车 VIP舱
18:40, 18:50, 19:00, 19:10, 20:30, 20:40
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢34
18:40, 18:50, 19:10, 20:40
寧平 - 豐芽
公共汽车 VIP 舱
08:00, 19:20, 19:30, 20:00, 20:10, 20:20, 20:30, 20:40, 20:50
公共汽车 VIP舱
18:20, 18:30, 18:50, 19:00, 19:10, 19:20, 19:30, 20:10, 20:20, 20:30
公共汽车 卧铺38
19:50, 20:00, 20:10, 20:20, 20:30, 20:40
海防 - 寧平
07:50, 08:00, 08:05, 08:10, 08:15, 12:30, 12:35, 12:40, 12:45, 12:50, 13:00, 15:30, 15:35, 15:40, 15:45, 15:50, 16:00
寧平 - 海防
06:50, 07:00, 07:05, 07:10, 07:20, 09:20, 09:25, 09:30, 09:40, 10:00, 13:20, 13:30, 13:40, 14:00
河内 - 海防
公共汽车 VIP级 33
07:30, 07:40, 10:00, 10:20, 10:30, 13:50, 14:00, 14:10
公共汽车 Limousine
07:55, 08:05, 08:15, 12:15
豐芽 - 岘港
06:50, 07:00, 08:50, 09:00, 09:10, 14:50, 15:00, 18:50, 19:00
芽庄 - 會安
19:10, 19:20
沙巴 - 河江
公共汽车 快捷16
07:40, 07:50
公共汽车 卧铺 40
09:30, 09:40, 10:00, 12:20, 12:30, 19:10, 19:20, 19:30
海防 - 河内
厢型车 Limousine
06:00, 06:10, 08:25, 08:30, 08:35, 08:40, 08:45, 12:15, 12:25, 12:35, 12:45, 16:20, 16:30, 16:40, 16:50, 17:00
厢型车 VIP级 33
08:45, 09:00, 12:00, 12:10, 12:20, 12:30, 12:40, 15:30, 15:40
寧平 - 河江
公共汽车 卧铺 40
16:30, 16:40, 20:30, 20:40, 20:50, 21:00
公共汽车 VIP 舱
08:20, 08:30, 19:00, 19:10, 19:20, 19:30
豐芽 - 寧平
公共汽车 VIP 舱
20:40, 20:50, 21:00
公共汽车 卧铺 40
20:40, 20:50
下龙湾 - 海防
公共汽车 VIP级 33
07:30, 07:40, 12:50, 13:00
公共汽车 快捷16
07:30, 07:40, 12:50, 13:00
顺化 - 寧平
公共汽车 VIP 舱
15:00, 15:10, 15:20, 15:30
公共汽车 卧铺38
16:20, 16:30, 16:40
公共汽车 卧铺 40
16:20, 16:30, 16:40
公共汽车 VIP舱
16:30, 16:40, 16:50, 17:00
公共汽车 贵宾卧铺车厢34
16:35, 16:45, 16:55, 17:05
河江 - 河内
公共汽车 快捷16
07:00, 07:10, 16:00, 17:00, 17:20
公共汽车 Limousine
07:00, 07:10, 16:00, 16:10, 16:20
公共汽车 卧铺 40
20:40, 20:50, 21:00
公共汽车 VIP 舱
10:50, 11:00, 11:10, 12:00, 12:10, 19:50, 20:00, 20:10, 20:20, 20:30, 20:40, 20:50
寧平 - 沙巴
厢型车 Van + VIP Bus
07:30, 08:20, 08:30, 09:20, 09:30, 10:20, 10:30, 11:20, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30
厢型车 VIP舱
21:45, 22:05, 22:15
厢型车 VIP 舱
07:30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 21:50, 22:00, 22:10, 22:30
厢型车 卧铺38
18:40, 18:50, 19:00, 21:40, 21:50
豐芽 - 會安
04:00, 07:00, 09:00, 19:00
寧平 - 河内
07:05, 07:25, 07:45, 08:05, 08:25, 08:40, 09:25, 09:45, 10:25, 10:40, 11:05, 11:25, 11:35, 13:05, 13:25, 13:40, 14:05, 14:25, 14:30, 15:05, 15:25, 15:35, 16:05, 16:25, 16:45, 17:05, 17:40, 18:05, 18:45, 19:35
海防 - 沙巴
公共汽车 VIP 舱
07:30, 09:00, 12:30, 15:40
公共汽车 VIP舱
15:50, 16:00, 16:30, 16:40, 16:50, 17:00
美奈 - 芽庄
公共汽车 卧铺 40
00:30, 11:20, 11:25, 11:30, 11:40, 11:50, 12:00, 12:10, 12:20, 12:30
公共汽车 VIP舱
14:10, 14:20, 14:30
下龙湾 - 寧平
12:00, 12:10, 12:20, 12:30, 12:40, 12:50, 16:20, 16:30
會安 - 胡志明市
17:40, 17:50, 18:00
芽庄 - 美奈
07:20, 07:30, 19:50, 20:00, 21:20, 21:30
沙巴 - 海防
20:20, 20:30, 20:40, 20:50, 21:00, 21:10, 21:30
顺化 - 豐芽
16:20, 16:30, 16:40, 16:50
美奈 - 會安
00:30, 11:20, 11:30, 12:00, 12:10
河江 - 海防
18:50, 19:00, 19:40, 19:50

关于 Full Moon Party Tour

大巴是一种便捷的旅行方式,无论是去几个小时车程的邻近城镇,还是穿越整个国家去探索更远的地方。无论预算多少,大巴都能满足您的需求。快速大巴为手头拮据的旅客提供最实惠的票价,而VIP大巴为主要针对舒适度要求高的旅客。购票前,确保选择最适合您的大巴类型。 如果是长途旅行,可以选乘VIP大巴或一等大巴直达目的地,或者只在沿途少数几个车站停靠。通常,快车或本地大巴比较适合短途旅行,但如果是长途旅行往往就不划算了。出发前先看一下时刻表,因为许多长途目的地都有夜间大巴,并且有些夜间大巴为长途旅行提供更宽的座位或卧铺。在线预订Full Moon Party Tour的车票。其他旅客的评论有助您选择最合适的大巴车票和级别。

Full Moon Party Tour热门车站

Full Moon Party Tour的大巴覆盖的主要车站包括:

  • 峰牙洪清车站办公室
  • 吉婆島
  • 陆龙湾龙酒店
  • 会安满月巴士
  • 三古满月巴士
  • 河内满月巴士
  • 沙坝Sao Viet Bus
  • 沙坝满月
  • 下龙满月巴士
  • 河内满月派对旅行社

Full Moon Party Tour热门目的地

Full Moon Party Tour大巴类型和票价




  • 大巴是前往不通铁路或飞机的地方的最佳选择。大巴网络通常几乎覆盖整个国家,并且路线成熟合理。
  • 与飞机和铁路相反,坐大巴不需要提前很多时间到达汽车站。即使是在跨国路线上检票也不需要很多时间。大巴的行李限额通常对旅客非常友好,即使有限额设定,额外行李的费用通常也不会很高。
  • 与飞机票或快铁车票相比,汽车票更实惠。种类繁多的车票类型可供各种预算的旅客选择。便宜的标准大巴可能有点慢,舒适度也不够好,但可以将旅客送达目的地也算尚可接受。而长途大巴则提供车上厕所、或停站如厕,以及零食和水,有时洗漱用品和毯子都包含在大巴票价里。
  • 如果您的预算充足,可以选择VIP大巴。这些VIP大巴配备了可以比拟飞机商务舱的座位,拥有宽大且柔软的躺椅和毛毯,乘客数量也不多,以及许多让您旅行愉快的其他福利。


  • 新建的城际大巴车站通常位于市区外的高速公路附近,方便大巴避开市区的拥堵。不过这也会给旅客带来更多的麻烦。如何到达大巴车站可能就是个问题,因为一些地方对进入大巴车站的车辆有限制,旅客不得不乘坐专门的交通工具才能到达大巴车站。由于这些交通工具的价格可能被抬高,旅行的成本也会跟着上升。如果在交通高峰期出行,特别是在不熟悉出发地的交通状况时,一定要多计算些交通拥堵的时间。
  • 大巴可能比火车或飞机更容易晚点。大巴在很大程度上依赖于道路情况,有时可能由于一些无法预测的事故、道路工事、绕行等而晚点,在周末、旺季或法定假日旅行时尤其如此。务必记住,不要计划连接紧密的行程。
  • 在一些路线或最受欢迎的时期旅行可能需要提前预订大巴车票。请记住,不要以为可以直接到汽车站赶上最近的一班大巴,因为到您到达车站时车票很可能已经售罄,所以要提前预订好车票。

Full Moon Party Tour 站

Full Moon Party Tour 公司评论

公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2024年3月8日
Bus was 2.5 hours late. The company (full moon) buys tickets from other bus company. Pros: they answer to Whatsapp quite fast. Cons: they get little information from actual bus company. They don't really know when the bus comes. When bus comes, they don't really have a list or check your ticket. You just run and hope it is the correct bus and there is place for you. A poor girl had to sleep on the floor because they oversold (or someone sneaked in and they didn't check). On the way they picked up a passenger who also slept on the floor. Get in quick because you really don't want to sleep on the five seater at the very back. They stopped a couple of times for toilet break. They didn't honk that much during the night. The single cabins are ok, a bit tight if you're an average built person. I slept ok. Honestly there isn't much alternative, I been told the two person cabins are worse because you end up sleeping next to a stranger or sometimes they want to make you sleep three people in a two person cabin. So just be patient and be quick when the bus arrives as to not sit near the drivers or at the back.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2024年1月5日
Great experience, but if you are taller than 1,80 cm the cabin is a little small.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2024年1月3日
De buschauffeur reed veel te hevig, veel claxonneren.
公共汽车 快捷16, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年12月27日
Picked up on time but dropped off 1hr behind schedule. No communication during the trip as to how long the bus > ferry > bus would take. Not uncomfortable.
公共汽车 卧铺38, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年12月19日
The seats were nice, but the buss driver and staff didn’t let us oss by the first stoop for some odd reason. So we had too pay a lot more for taxi than we needed two. Did not want to listen when we tried to explain…
公共汽车 VIP级 33, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年12月8日
Our bus was not really existing and we had to wait 1 horas to our bus
公共汽车 VIP级 33, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年12月3日
Unsafe driver. Was having phone conversations while checking some lists while driving the bus. Overtook some cars within a turn and was racing with other buses who is first. Everyone on the bus felt uncomfortable and we were happy to have reached the destination.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年11月28日
Pas de lit à plat malgré la “cabin vip” Pas d écouteurs mais pour des écrans qui ne fonctionnent pas. À côté de toilettes qui puaient réellement dans toute la cabine en plus d être vraiment sales. Conduite horrible. Très mauvaise expérience
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年11月24日
Came about 20min delayed - but driver and staff in a very good mood. Busses as uncomfortable as usual, driving style as well. Arrived at a gas station close to Hue where we had to exit, another Van drove us then to the main station.
公共汽车 卧铺38, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年11月17日
Terrible. The bus never came. The staff had very little information and we didn't get any. 1 hour later they did their best to split us between different buses. The bus we were put into was full and the luggages had to be stored in the corridors in a very unsafe way. People had to walk in the bags to move in the bus (to go to the toilet). The poor staff inside the bus didn't have a place to seat because of this. We were woken up at 7 am to be put in a minibus with no explanation. However we arrived only 30mn later than planned but not without a lot of stress and tiredness...
公共汽车 卧铺38, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年11月9日
Es war nicht klar welcher Bus wohin fährt und es gab einen ungeplanten Zwischenstopp der so nicht beschrieben wurde. Plätze werden zugeteilt, kann man nicht frei wählen. Wir sind letztenendes angekommen.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年11月3日
Propreté très moyenne. La conduite était catastrophique et le personnel indifférent MAIS à l’heure c’est déjà ça. Arrêt treees fréquent pour des colis
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年11月2日
Overall comfy seats and clean bus. Had to get a small car to the big bud meeting point but we were dropped off 30mins before the big bus arrived and had to wait under a shack to get out of the rain. Bus left outskirts Hoi an at 21:30 and arrived in Nah Trang at 7:30am. A few stops for breaks if needed. Two extra seats were sold so two locals slept on the floor in the aisle which made it difficult to use the toilet if needed.
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年11月2日
all around very good, but the busdriver did honk just too much and the toilet was awful
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年10月30日
Le trajet s'est très bien passé, nous avons fait une pause toutes les deux heures.
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年10月23日
The Bus startet over 1 hour late, with no explanations or anything. Then we started picking up other passengers on the way as well. After 20 Minutes drive we had to wait again for 15 Minutes. The driver answered some other guests very rude. A the TV as well as the WiFi we’re broke. Only good thing: the seats/cabins were comfortable and had curtains.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年10月19日
we’ve booked for 5 tickets, we requested 1 lower seat for my mother but end up the operator still assigned all upper decker sleeping seat for us. the lower decker seat has empty.
公共汽车 VIP级 33, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年10月14日
We arrived in time, we just had to wait for 10min for the ferry. No problem it was good.
公共汽车 小巴, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年10月10日
Great vehicle and driver. But the web tell that the trip is about 1h 40m and its not true, is about 3h
公共汽车 VIP级 33, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年10月6日
Smooth trip from start to finish, dropping us close to our destination.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年10月5日
El autobús no llega a las 6am si no a las 3:30am, tendrían que avisar para reservar alojamiento ya que a esa hora es muy difícil si no lo has hecho por adelantado.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年9月12日
Don’t be above the wheels. It’s awful we didn’t sleep. When they say the bus arrives at 4, it really is and you have to leave the bus really express
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年9月11日
The chauffour was really annoying. He heard loud Music and sang along so i could not sleep. When they changed he slept and snorred really loud.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年8月30日
Overall good and would book again. Given blanket was smelly and dirty and obviously used a couple of times. Staff was unfriendly but not rude. TV did not work Comfy bed, good blinds, driving style was decent.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年8月24日
The bus steward was aggressive showing us to our seats…Unsure what the rules are in Vietnam but there was a woman smoking below me and it just stank the whole bus. The seats are comfy but the way they drive you can’t really sleep.
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年8月23日
Had to change the bus 4 times. Were 1 hour to late.
公共汽车 VIP级 33, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年8月6日
Clearly overcrowded bus. More passengers than seats. 2 hours delay.
公共汽车 小巴, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年8月2日
I didn’t know we had to switch busses twice, but all the drivers were kind and on time, so that’s already better than other companies.
公共汽车 VIP级 33, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年8月1日
Great expérience, travel was great, 1 break of 20minutes. However, 1h late
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年7月31日
Everything good, bus started a bit earlier but I was brought to the last starting point with a taxi.
公共汽车 VIP级 33, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年7月19日
It was okay. The Bus was super tiny. We are not the largest ppl fortunately. However, we were the last ones being picked up and our Kids had to squeeze into the two seats with even less clearance compared to the other ones. I dont know what's up with that..
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年7月8日
It wasn’t very clear where we were supposed to go or when the actual vehicle was picking us up. They changed the time I was leaving about an hour before the original departure and I had to rush to the pickup point.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年7月2日
we got the seats on the fourth row, seat adjustment didn’t work so we couldn’t make the bed move to a chair position, which was inconvenient. the staff didn’t care. Bus stopped many times inside hanoi to pickup passengers who got better seats even though we paid the same and had no option to choose. Bus stopped in a random station in the middle of the road without explaining for how long the stop is. The seats were clean, bathroom was ok. Staff didn’t know any English.
公共汽车 小巴, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年6月26日
The bus did not leave from the bus station shared on the tickets. Instead they drove us (my girlfriend and I) in a car for 20 minutes to an intersection on an empty road and had to wait for 10 more minutes for the actual bus to pick us up. This was very uncomfortable and scary because of the uncertainty, it could have been dangerous too, but it looks like this is normal in Vietnam and Cambodia since the bus picked up other people in the middle of nowhere on a highway. I'm never riding a bus in South East Asia again.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年6月15日
Bus ride took longer than expected, but the driver and service person were nice and tried to pick us up and drop us off as closely as possible at where we needed to go. The cabins are spacious.
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年6月6日
The driver drove like a lunatic, probably because the bus was not on schedule and late, one of the passengers trew up and no information on how long the stop was going to be,
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月30日
Pick up was 40 min late, but we somehow arrived 40 min early. Communication was lacklustre, and only one real stop for 12 hours. Could’ve been cleaner, but the drive was good.
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月26日
The bus wasn’t that bad, but it arrived 2-3 hours earlier than planed
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月23日
It is noisy, especially in the back side. The beds are so confortable, but you will not sleep on it, because of the noise and the intense movement of the bus. If you want to sleep, you will choose the train.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月23日
We booked the 9:30 PM connection, but the bus was scheduled for 10:30 PM - no delay, just the times on our ticket were not correct. We were not able to pick our seats, the guy in the bus urged us to take the top seats although the ones on the bottom stayed free for the rest of the ride. Also for me (1,76m) the beds were too short.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月19日
Good and confortable ride. USB point to charge your phone. A small bottle of water is provided. No food provided. We had 1 toilet break. The bus arrived 30min late in Sapa.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月17日
The bus was over an hour late departing. It did not go from the place stated on the ticket, but an office a few doors down. If I had not contacted them about the bus being late I would not have known. The helpers on the bus treated everyone like cattle, tutting and directing us to certain seats even if we wanted to sit next to the person we were travelling with, shouting at us in Vietnamese. They kept closing our curtains again and again even though I wanted mine open so i could speak to my partner. They really needed a shower and slept in the aisles so we could not use the toilet on board. There was no toilet stop or stop to let us stretch our legs in over 7 hours. It was awful! And this was meant to be the VIP bus, what a joke. It also arrived 3 hours early despite the delay setting off, meaning we had to find a hotel for the night upon arrival at 3am.
公共汽车 VIP级 33, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月16日
Le bus était vieux et inconfortable, l’équipe moyennement sympa lais on était à l’heure
公共汽车 VIP级 33, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月10日
Der Fahrer war super. Sehr entspannt gefahren, nur sehr selten die Hupe benutzt und uns am Ende noch am Bahnhof rausgelassen. Perfekt!
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月10日
Very nice sleeper bus, smooth journey. Only would have appreciated one more bathroom stop (there was only 1 in 6 or so hours).
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年5月8日
Booked late the night before for the 7.20am VIP Cabin following day (Hanoi to Sapa). Got to office meeting point around 7am, showed booking confirmation which at first they needed to double check as I assume I booked out of office hours. All fine in the end, got the ticket in exchange and baggage tag (I had one small suitcase and one hand carry). The hand carry I brought with me into the cabin. Upon boarding you have to remove your shoes but are given a plastic bag to put it in (you also bring this to your cabin). The driver didn't speak much English but pointed which cabin I needed to go to. Ended up leaving around 7.30am. The bus did stop a few times to pick up packages but not a problem at all as still arrived to Sapa on time. Space was clean, USB ports work, curtain could close to give you privacy. I'm 1.78m and just about fit, managed to sleep for a bit too (I'm quite sensitive normally). I did have a travel neck pillow which definitely helped. Halfway through the journey another staff member did check tickets. I think the bus stopped twice for snack breaks (I was only awake for one). The driver does shout out 'Sa pa' at the end to indicate to get off the bus. I was watching Google maps as well to check I was in the right area. I was worried at first reading the reviews but overall was quite surprised and journey exceeded expectations. Would do it again!
公共汽车 卧铺 40, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年4月20日
The bus coordinator was yelling on the phone all the time. After a few minutes we stopped like for an hour without any reason. And the 1st stop there was nothing to buy and the toilets were just 2 squares with 1.3 mts walls and in the case of men it was just the wall, no toilets inside..
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年4月19日
Sleeper cabin from SaPa to Hanoi. The bus departed one hour late and arrived two hours later to Hanoi. Staff was shouting at some customers at the bus. On top of that, we were going around Hanoi the last hour ending up in different place, than changed to minibus / "limousine" which took us to the center. Driver of that minibus was playing games on the phone while driving in that crazy traffic... So my recommendation: do not plan any connecting flights etc. after taking this bus, bring NC headphones, close the curtain and do not care what's going on around you. :D
公共汽车 快捷16, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年4月19日
Bus ok, but driver came out of hell. No idea why people must drive like that in Vietnam but this was almost extended suicide.
公共汽车 VIP 舱, Full Moon Party Tour, 2023年4月16日
The ride was ok and quite comfortable. Don't expect extra cleanliness, it's Vietnam :) TV doesn't work and we didn't find out how to adjust the seats. If you are tall, you won't be able to stretch your legs. Bring your own toilet paper. Also box of durian traveled with us being smelly all way :D But overall, it's actually ok value for that money.