05 5月 2024

Coda Lines

390 条用户评论
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  • Reviews

Coda Lines 计划 & 时间表

奎松市 - 萨加达
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
21:00, 21:30, 22:00, 22:30
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
20:00, 21:00, 21:30
萨加达 - 奎松市
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:30, 15:45, 16:15
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00
奎松市 - 巴纳韦
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
21:00, 21:30, 22:00, 22:30
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
20:00, 21:00, 21:30
巴纳韦 - 奎松市
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 18:00, 18:15, 18:45
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30, 18:00, 18:30
奎松市 - 高山
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
21:00, 21:30, 22:00, 22:30
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
20:00, 21:00, 21:30
高山 - 奎松市
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
12:45, 13:45, 14:45, 16:15, 16:30, 17:00
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
12:45, 13:45, 14:45, 15:45, 16:15, 16:45
奎松市 - 伊富高
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
20:00, 21:00, 21:30
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
21:00, 21:30, 22:00
奎松市 - 新比斯開省
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
20:00, 21:30
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
21:00, 21:30, 22:00
新比斯開省 - 奎松市
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
17:00, 17:15, 17:30, 18:00, 18:15, 18:30, 19:00, 19:15, 19:30, 20:00, 20:45, 21:00, 21:15, 21:30, 21:45
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
16:20, 16:35, 17:20, 17:35, 18:20, 18:35, 19:20, 19:35, 19:50, 20:05, 20:20, 20:35
伊富高 - 奎松市
公共汽车 45 seater without CR
15:30, 16:30, 16:45, 17:30, 17:45, 18:45, 19:00, 19:15, 19:45, 20:15, 20:30, 21:00
公共汽车 35 seater with CR
15:15, 16:15, 17:15, 17:30, 18:15, 18:45, 19:15, 19:45, 20:15

关于 Coda Lines

大巴是一种便捷的旅行方式,无论是去几个小时车程的邻近城镇,还是穿越整个国家去探索更远的地方。无论预算多少,大巴都能满足您的需求。快速大巴为手头拮据的旅客提供最实惠的票价,而VIP大巴为主要针对舒适度要求高的旅客。购票前,确保选择最适合您的大巴类型。 如果是长途旅行,可以选乘VIP大巴或一等大巴直达目的地,或者只在沿途少数几个车站停靠。通常,快车或本地大巴比较适合短途旅行,但如果是长途旅行往往就不划算了。出发前先看一下时刻表,因为许多长途目的地都有夜间大巴,并且有些夜间大巴为长途旅行提供更宽的座位或卧铺。在线预订Coda Lines的车票。其他旅客的评论有助您选择最合适的大巴车票和级别。

Coda Lines热门车站

Coda Lines的大巴覆盖的主要车站包括:

  • 奎松市
  • 萨加达
  • 奎松市 Coda Lines
  • 巴纳韦 Coda Lines
  • 邦都
  • 拉加韦
  • NLET Philippine Arena
  • 巴云邦
  • 拉姆特
  • 班邦

Coda Lines大巴类型和票价




  • 大巴是前往不通铁路或飞机的地方的最佳选择。大巴网络通常几乎覆盖整个国家,并且路线成熟合理。
  • 与飞机和铁路相反,坐大巴不需要提前很多时间到达汽车站。即使是在跨国路线上检票也不需要很多时间。大巴的行李限额通常对旅客非常友好,即使有限额设定,额外行李的费用通常也不会很高。
  • 与飞机票或快铁车票相比,汽车票更实惠。种类繁多的车票类型可供各种预算的旅客选择。便宜的标准大巴可能有点慢,舒适度也不够好,但可以将旅客送达目的地也算尚可接受。而长途大巴则提供车上厕所、或停站如厕,以及零食和水,有时洗漱用品和毯子都包含在大巴票价里。
  • 如果您的预算充足,可以选择VIP大巴。这些VIP大巴配备了可以比拟飞机商务舱的座位,拥有宽大且柔软的躺椅和毛毯,乘客数量也不多,以及许多让您旅行愉快的其他福利。


  • 新建的城际大巴车站通常位于市区外的高速公路附近,方便大巴避开市区的拥堵。不过这也会给旅客带来更多的麻烦。如何到达大巴车站可能就是个问题,因为一些地方对进入大巴车站的车辆有限制,旅客不得不乘坐专门的交通工具才能到达大巴车站。由于这些交通工具的价格可能被抬高,旅行的成本也会跟着上升。如果在交通高峰期出行,特别是在不熟悉出发地的交通状况时,一定要多计算些交通拥堵的时间。
  • 大巴可能比火车或飞机更容易晚点。大巴在很大程度上依赖于道路情况,有时可能由于一些无法预测的事故、道路工事、绕行等而晚点,在周末、旺季或法定假日旅行时尤其如此。务必记住,不要计划连接紧密的行程。
  • 在一些路线或最受欢迎的时期旅行可能需要提前预订大巴车票。请记住,不要以为可以直接到汽车站赶上最近的一班大巴,因为到您到达车站时车票很可能已经售罄,所以要提前预订好车票。

Coda Lines 公司评论

公共汽车 45 seater without CR, Coda Lines, 2023年12月28日
Bus was delayed for 4 hours, the people were very nice tho! Definitely recommend if the busbis on time
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2023年10月15日
The trip was okay, but the AC was very cold, to cold.
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2023年9月25日
On time. Bikes were accommodated in the compartment. Just wish there's some kind of support to rest my feet as I kept sliding down the seat.
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2023年8月12日
There is insurance coverage and also sends SMS reminders for the trip. The Bus is clean and comfortable but needs cleaning and better labels for the flush in the CR.
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2023年3月2日
Friendly staff, timing good, Bus condition alright but for seats which start to become slightly uncomfortable (wearing out) but the style of driving before the NLEX was challenging; strongly accelerating and overdoing manouvres that may have gone wrong. Unnecessarily endangering
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2023年2月22日
Pratiquement impossible de dormir. Trop froid. Le conducteur roule beaucoup trop vite et passe son temps à planter les freins.
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2022年11月19日
Bus time incorrect, 1 hour late No confirmation of destination by crew
公共汽车 45 seater without CR, Coda Lines, 2022年11月7日
It was a long grueling 14 hours. I should have taken the latter departure — less stops? The one I took going to Segada was a later departure time didn’t stop as many; I am assuming return to Cubao later departure was like my going up. I hope this would’ve disclosed for newbies like me.
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2022年11月4日
Comfortable ride. The bus is clean. I will use Coda again on my future trips.
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2022年11月3日
Places in the back are very narrow (and I’m small)
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2022年10月24日
Presented print out of voucher at depot and got ticked off the list. Nice to have vehicle registration on the ticket also so as not to get on the wrong bus.
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2022年10月11日
Aside from traveling back to Manila from Sagada around 2am as my comment, I highly suggest to book it for hassle free travel.
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2022年10月5日
Trip was ok, but schedule has no sense. Bus arrives to Manila Cubao 1.30 am. There is no transportation from the terminal. If schedule was 2h earlier, the public transport like LRT should be available
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2022年10月5日
The bus was clean and on time but super cold. They sent an email asking to be at the quezon station (not a nice place) "at least 2 hours before" but that was totally unnecessary.
公共汽车 45 seater without CR, Coda Lines, 2022年9月21日
Our bus driver overstayed (almost half an hour or more) at the last bus stop in Bontoc.
公共汽车 45 seater without CR, Coda Lines, 2022年9月10日
Arrived much later (3 am instead of 00:30) as the bus kept picking up and dropping off additional people along the route.
公共汽车 35 seater with CR, Coda Lines, 2022年8月19日
Seamless transaction and great website. FYI, I booked using my credit card so on top of paying Convenience fee, I also had to pay Foreign Transaction Fees because they charged me in Euro currency. Further, 12go customer service texted me to remind me of my upcoming trip. Really helpful. Bus operator is also on time. Print the voucher because they collect it as proof of payment.
公共汽车 快速, Coda Lines, 2022年5月21日
So many stop overs, we weren’t informed there’d be stop overs
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2022年4月15日
We still had to fall in a longline in the ticket booth to validate our printed online ticket. I understand that its holiday but I think it should be more organised.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2022年4月14日
There was a mix up around seats. We didn’t get the seats that were allotted on the ticket. Also, the e ticket didn’t have the vehicle details. It caused some inconvenience to find these out at the last minute.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2022年3月16日
The way was driving the driver was not safe at all it was scary
公共汽车 高级豪华舱, Coda Lines, 2020年3月23日
Freezing cold in the bus. Not enough blankets. We were sick after the journey.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2020年3月8日
Un trajet dans les temps contrairement au premier trajet effectué dans l’autre sens en retard d’1h30. Conduite relativement souple et bonne.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2020年3月5日
Ride was as expected - long and cold so be prepared . I wish there are seat belts tho
公共汽车 高级豪华舱, Coda Lines, 2020年3月4日
Ich hatte den bequemeren Bus. Hat alles super geklappt. Pünktlich los und pünktlich angekommen.
公共汽车 高级豪华舱, Coda Lines, 2020年3月2日
The freezing temperature inside got my girlfriend sick... Bring warm clothes and a blanket if possible.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2020年2月28日
The travel from QC to Sagada went fine. I was able to sleep well during the 11-hour ride. There were two stopovers for grabbing quick late-night meal or snack and for restroom breaks. It was so convenient. I might travel through this means again. Thank you.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2020年2月24日
On time, quite comfortable, a bit to cold (air condition) but seems this is normal
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2020年2月22日
Very very cold. The AC was crazy strong and it was 10° in the bus. 2 t shirts 2 pull over and one coat were not enough. Horrible night. The drivers talk loud in the middle of the night and they don't stop 3 times. No toilet in this bus.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2020年2月21日
No wifi no blanket no belt. I do not know why this bus is a semi deluxe... Et also 1 stop in 8 hours! Knowing there is no toilets on board.
公共汽车 高级豪华舱, Coda Lines, 2020年2月7日
I was expecting more for a super deluxe ride. I was thinking more like a lazy boy type of chairs and more leg room just like JOYBUS premier buses. Super deluxe can just pass for deluxe type. Though we arrive to sagada 4hrs earlier than expected.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2020年1月27日
Ride ok. But not enough space for legs, cantinas where the buses stop are really crappy ones.
公共汽车 高级豪华舱, Coda Lines, 2020年1月18日
It was much better than I expected reading the comments. The journey took 10 hours, it was comfortable even for me being 6 inches 3 feet tall. It got colder inside when the outside temperature lowered after a few hours of driving but if you should be prepared for that wearing warmer clothes. I took super deluxe bus. Not the cheapest option but I can really recommend.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2020年1月17日
Everything was fine,we arrived safely and that is what matters the most. I was a bit uncomfortable in my seat because the person in front of me seemed to have forgotten that somebody was behind him, he was sleeping comfortably anyway it wasn't coda lines' fault. It would have been nice to have some blankets though
公共汽车 高级豪华舱, Coda Lines, 2020年1月15日
Fairly comfortable seats but plastic so every time the driver used the breaks,which was about every 20 seconds, you flew forward so difficult to sleep. A seatbelt would help but there were none fitted. Arrived 2 hours early though.
公共汽车 高级豪华舱, Coda Lines, 2020年1月15日
Bus ponctuels. A l heure. Des passagers au milieu sur strapontins gênent la circulation et il y a moins d'espace.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2019年12月27日
The trip was faster than expected. We only got it 9 hours instead of 12 as what has been estimated hours of travel. The ticketing staff and bus crew were efficient. Only that the bus has no wifi or TV for passengers entertainment . I hope the company will consider it especially that it is usually not easy to get sleep while on travel. But then it was wonderful trip with CODA... CODA is COOL. Thank you .. Just keep all your tours safe and comfortable.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2019年12月21日
Wir waren mit der Fahrt mit Coda Lines sehr zufrieden! Die Abfahrt war pünktlich und die sehr angenehm. Aufgrund des Verkehrs kamen wir mit einer Stunde Verspätung an. Aber das ist hier normal.
公共汽车 高级豪华舱, Coda Lines, 2019年12月3日
Departure from Sagada was on time. Got comfy seats.
公共汽车 豪华, Coda Lines, 2019年11月30日
That was a smooth 11-hour ride. Bus staff and drivers were also accommodating. ????
公共汽车 高级豪华舱, Coda Lines, 2019年11月25日
The trip got cancelled on very short notice -the help that was provided and the alternatives were ok
公共汽车 VIP级 36, Coda Lines, 2019年11月19日
A real nice compagny. We arrived on time even earlier! The bus is a real nice and comfortable bus. What could be appreciated is to have blanket available in the bus. Otherwise everything was very good! Thanks for the safe driving!
公共汽车 VIP级 36, Coda Lines, 2019年11月19日
Much too cold and driver didn't say anything when stopping. So you never know when and how much time there was for food.
公共汽车 快速, Coda Lines, 2019年11月15日
Not much leg room, bus arrived 2 hours late in Sagada!
公共汽车 快速, Coda Lines, 2019年11月12日
Hassle-free trip to Sagada. And very much ontime! ♡
公共汽车 VIP级 36, Coda Lines, 2019年11月9日
I could have rated this better, but VIP service is far from being. - temperature. Everybody was dressed like if were hiking at the himalayas. Even the driver was wearing a jacket. Why do we need to travel 9 hours like that? I’m from The Netherlands and am used to cold but this was insane. - bus started the trip one hour late and still stopped 20 times to pickup and drop off short distance travellers and sales people. - wifi not working and the snack 12go mentions doesnt exist. - safety: I know they are very used to this driving style and is a standard in Philippines (drivers seems are very used to this) but this will sooner or later create a tragedy...
公共汽车 VIP级 36, Coda Lines, 2019年10月30日
Our trip was great. I just did not like the experience when the person in front of me laid down his chair too much and place his hand on the head rest. It was annoying because he got some space from me. The fare is also pricier compared to the official site. Nonetheless, the trip was great and we arrived 30 minutes earlier.
公共汽车 VIP级 36, Coda Lines, 2019年10月13日
As a night bus trip this was not bad but we found air conditioning cold and there were not enough blankets for everyone. The advertised wifi was also non-existent. Safe driver though and we got there ahead of schedule.
公共汽车 VIP级 36, Coda Lines, 2019年10月11日
This is meant to be a VIP bus but apart from the (non working) toilet on board, nothing about this bus is VIP. The seats are small (and I'm pretty small) so you feel squashed and they are not comfortable, especially for a journey of 9 hours. People bring lots of luggage on board and put them under the seats so you can't even stretch your legs. The toilet on board doesn't work and there is no water to wash your hands. Of course no toilet paper or soap. It's just toilet in name otherwise it needs a lot of improvement. The driver drives like crazy and I arrived an hour before I was meant to arrive into Banaue. The air conditioning is so high that even with multiple layers and trousers and shoes on, I was absolutely frozen. It is the coldest bus I have ever been on and I've travelled a lot in Asia. If you're going to take the bus wear 2-3 layers and consider tights under your trousers because it really is that cold. We only stopped once for a break, which wasn't enough as it is so cramped on the bus that you really need at least a couple of stops to stretch your legs. No blankets or wifi, which was advertised. Unfortunately there's not many companies that offer this route so until there is more competition Coda lines will continue to run this poor service. It's not a VIP service, little more than a public bus. The staff are nice, which is the positive and that I reached Banaue safely.
公共汽车 快速, Coda Lines, 2019年8月13日
Areas of Improvement 1. The seats are cramped and there is not enough legroom. The price of 600+ is almost near that of JOYBUS executive coach. Its like riding a regular bus. 2. Non-accomodating staff. They won't help you with your bags and they have no training on assisting tourists. It was too cold inside the bus and there were no blankets offered, no wifi, no television. Not comfortable. My fellow passenger was shaking because of the temperature. 3. Waiting Area had no protection from heat and rain. Positive Points 1. We reached Banaue at 4.30 AM