02 5月 2024

Bagan Min Tha

112 条用户评论
  • Reviews

关于 Bagan Min Tha

大巴是一种便捷的旅行方式,无论是去几个小时车程的邻近城镇,还是穿越整个国家去探索更远的地方。无论预算多少,大巴都能满足您的需求。快速大巴为手头拮据的旅客提供最实惠的票价,而VIP大巴为主要针对舒适度要求高的旅客。购票前,确保选择最适合您的大巴类型。 如果是长途旅行,可以选乘VIP大巴或一等大巴直达目的地,或者只在沿途少数几个车站停靠。通常,快车或本地大巴比较适合短途旅行,但如果是长途旅行往往就不划算了。出发前先看一下时刻表,因为许多长途目的地都有夜间大巴,并且有些夜间大巴为长途旅行提供更宽的座位或卧铺。在线预订Bagan Min Tha的车票。其他旅客的评论有助您选择最合适的大巴车票和级别。

Bagan Min Tha热门车站

Bagan Min Tha的大巴覆盖的主要车站包括:

  • 昂民拉尔巴士站
  • 蒲甘 Shwe Pyi
  • 蒲甘瑞比
  • 娘瑞蒲甘 Min Tha

Bagan Min Tha热门目的地

Bagan Min Tha的大巴路线众多,以下是一些最受欢迎的大巴路线:

Bagan Min Tha大巴类型和票价




  • 大巴是前往不通铁路或飞机的地方的最佳选择。大巴网络通常几乎覆盖整个国家,并且路线成熟合理。
  • 与飞机和铁路相反,坐大巴不需要提前很多时间到达汽车站。即使是在跨国路线上检票也不需要很多时间。大巴的行李限额通常对旅客非常友好,即使有限额设定,额外行李的费用通常也不会很高。
  • 与飞机票或快铁车票相比,汽车票更实惠。种类繁多的车票类型可供各种预算的旅客选择。便宜的标准大巴可能有点慢,舒适度也不够好,但可以将旅客送达目的地也算尚可接受。而长途大巴则提供车上厕所、或停站如厕,以及零食和水,有时洗漱用品和毯子都包含在大巴票价里。
  • 如果您的预算充足,可以选择VIP大巴。这些VIP大巴配备了可以比拟飞机商务舱的座位,拥有宽大且柔软的躺椅和毛毯,乘客数量也不多,以及许多让您旅行愉快的其他福利。


  • 新建的城际大巴车站通常位于市区外的高速公路附近,方便大巴避开市区的拥堵。不过这也会给旅客带来更多的麻烦。如何到达大巴车站可能就是个问题,因为一些地方对进入大巴车站的车辆有限制,旅客不得不乘坐专门的交通工具才能到达大巴车站。由于这些交通工具的价格可能被抬高,旅行的成本也会跟着上升。如果在交通高峰期出行,特别是在不熟悉出发地的交通状况时,一定要多计算些交通拥堵的时间。
  • 大巴可能比火车或飞机更容易晚点。大巴在很大程度上依赖于道路情况,有时可能由于一些无法预测的事故、道路工事、绕行等而晚点,在周末、旺季或法定假日旅行时尤其如此。务必记住,不要计划连接紧密的行程。
  • 在一些路线或最受欢迎的时期旅行可能需要提前预订大巴车票。请记住,不要以为可以直接到汽车站赶上最近的一班大巴,因为到您到达车站时车票很可能已经售罄,所以要提前预订好车票。

Bagan Min Tha 公司评论

公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2020年3月23日
Bus kept stopping to pick people (friends up ) tooting of the horn !! Lights kept going on and off and we were sitting near the back and every time some one got on ,, all they wanted to do was talk ??? Nightmare !!
厢型车 14 座区域厢型车, Bagan Min Tha, 2020年2月4日
Horaires respectés, petit bus confortable, rien à dire.
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2020年1月29日
Bus confortable et ponctuel (départ 8h du matin et arrivée 17h30). 1 arrêt déjeuner d'une demi-heure vers 10h30 du matin, puis un arrê toilettes en début d'après-midi.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2020年1月27日
A bit of anxious while waiting for the confirmation as nearing to the boarding date, since no way to contact them directly.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2020年1月27日
We got snacks and a blanket but it was reaaaaally cold
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2020年1月23日
Buen viaje, pero mucho mucho frío, ir abrigado, es la única pega
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2020年1月19日
The seats are comfortable for sleeping. There are water, drinks and some food during the trip. Good choice for night road. Recommended
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年12月27日
Very good overnight ride. I was actually able to sleep. The only thing I would add is a small snack. The driver was safe.
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年12月23日
Bus on time Toilet in the bus Very hot in the bus
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年12月17日
Bus seem to arrive too early in the morning at 3 am instead of the approximate 5.30am schedule. We were stuck at the bus station with taxi cahoots that maintain their steep prices. All these is really giving Myanmar tourist industry a bad image. Arriving too early too we were not able to check in early without paying extra cost.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年12月9日
Bus left on time, few stops on the way and the driver drove well.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年11月29日
Only down side is the air conditioning was way to strong. Other than that, comfortable seats and amenities, managed to sleep most the ride, would recommend highly :)
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年11月27日
Buen servicio del chofer Ñom, proveen todo, agua, refresco, galletas, cobija y dona para el cuello pero usan el aire acondicionado suuuuper frío, es el único problema
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年11月26日
Pick up service doesn't work. We had to take a taxi. Arctic coldness in the bus.
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年11月12日
The bus was very narrow and a lot of passenger. Next to me was a family (daddy, mom and kid), late night the kid cried and made I unable to sleep. However, Staff of bus operators really nice and kind.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年11月9日
Car soustraité a une autre compagnie et moins bien que le réservé . Arrivée sur Bagan avec 1h d avance !!! Un vrai pilote le chauffeur, aux vues de la pluie et de la route ! Mieux que la foire du trône
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年10月28日
Very pleasantly surprised as we were provided a drink (Coke), blanket, neck support for sleeping and the driver ensured a very smooth run. Toilet on board too. Website did not indicate any of those were available.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年10月27日
Très bruyant, le sommeil (quand on y arrive) n’est pas respecté : le chauffeur décide de s’arrêter pour manger ou récupérer des colis: lumière, il crie, bref adieu le peu de sommeil possible. Arrivée 2 h à l’avance et donc déposé en pleine nuit sur le bord de la route!
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年10月21日
Hello! I would like to say you about very unpleasant situation, that occured with us. We had the information on our ticket voucher that says we must be ready at the lobby of our hotel 30 minutes before the departure. The departure was at 10 p.m. We came to the lobby at 9.20 p. m., and receptionist said that the bus had already come and went away. The driver didn't wait for us. We called to the agency and the girl said that we must be ready 2 hours before the departure. I said we have another information that we must be ready 30 minutes before the departure. She said, that she don't care, they have this rule and that's all and that we must take a taxi and get the bus station by ourselves. So we took a taxi, which cost us 4 dollars. And i ask you to make a refund of this expence. Thank you.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年10月3日
Muy incómodo. A pesar de tener el aire cerrado hacía demasiado frío. Además del estado de las carreteras y la conducción que hace que parezca una atracción de feria. No recomendable si se pretende descansar mientras se viaja.
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年9月4日
Clean, the air conditioner is functioning properly, departs on time and arrives earlier than expected. Every passenger will get one bottle of mineral water, one neck pillow and blanket. Bus will stop for lunch for 30 minutes.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年8月13日
Good bus quality, comparable to Western standards. Good services. Water, blanket and pillow were provided. It gets cold over time, so warm clothes are highly recommended
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年7月3日
As the description says, Quite freezing is right! The thin blankets weren't enough, wear long pants! The bus is comfortable but it was hard to sleep with cold/bumps/constant tooting of the horn. The 'VIP' package included a can of coke, a banana cake thing a wet wipe and curiously a toothbrush and toothpaste (but no apparent way/time to use it) At the other end we were ripped off by the taxis charging several times what a 5 minute journey should cost. My advice is to leave bus terminal and talk to toktok drivers
公共汽车 小巴, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年6月12日
We booked a hotel pick up in Bagan. We got confirmation email that we should wait at the hotel's reception 30 minutes prior departure, which was 7pm... We came to the reception at 6:20 just to be told that the driver left 5 minutes ago... like what? When we called the company, they refused to come back for us so we had to take taxi to the station... When we got there, we were told the departure is posponed one hour... but the good news was that the van was replaced by normal bus so the journey was okay...
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年6月7日
For the price I was paying, It was reasonably acceptable as I sat in the row with 1 chair and I was at the most front. The dissappointing thing is no bottled water was given, bus staff not able to communicate clearly with us on the time of the main bus breaks, especially at that time they were more foreign tourist.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年5月2日
Is called VIP just because it has 3 seats in a row instead of 4. Is not bad but not like others VIP's companies. It was punctual
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年4月29日
Very comfortable seats and everything is provided for long trips. The only disadvantage was that seats are not very clean but still it was a very comfy 10hour trip
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年4月25日
Leg rest & lever broken on seat. Arrived early at 3am, better to leave later & arrived 6-7am.
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年4月23日
What an experience, i was the only western person on the bus much to everyone else’s amusement, people kept staring at me the whole journey watching what I was eating, sleeping etc, made me feel slightly uncomfortable. They driver didn’t speak English and when we stopped wanted me to get off the bus with no explanation just shouted ‘OFF’ at me, strange experience won’t be doing it again any time soon. The bus itself was ok, clean, water and blanket but it was noisy, the TV was playing most of the journey which was loud too
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年4月20日
El autobús no era nada cómodo para ser vip y ser 9 horas de trayecto. Además el personal no era muy amable
公共汽车 小巴, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年4月9日
We paid for a bus but we got a minivan instead which was like a furnace and only stopped for one toilet break 1 hour into the trip. Driver could’ve drove a bit safer as the seat belts didn’t even work. A bit disappointed as our first trip with the company went really well and they were very helpful, adequate breaks, safe driving, nice temperature in the bus etc. But I don’t recommend Bagan to Inle with this company. Yangon to Bagan is fine as you get a large coach.
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年4月6日
Really helpful company. We were stuck in traffic but they waited for us. Thanks a lot!
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年3月19日
The service was very good, except to the conditioner air cause it Was very ice in the evening
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年3月10日
The bus was alright and almost on time...not so many foreigners so you get to taste local experience...staff friendly and even they did not speak english they tried their best to explain...if you asked them that you needed break for physiological needs they stopped...i think if you dont expect western standart and that is probably why we travel to such contries then its ok...only thing i did not like was that we stopped almost at the end of journey at some village just for some local shopping such as fruits etc.
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年3月4日
Comfortable ride, when you get off the bus at the end taxi drivers bump up the price. There should be a sign with the prices listed on how much for each city.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年2月24日
Bouteille d eau couverture et oreillers ok. Mais bruyant et moins spacieux que certaines autres compagnies VIP. Bus à l heure et arrivée avant l heure prévue!
公共汽车 小巴, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年2月22日
One week before departure the operator (Bagan Minn Thar company) has changed the car type for this route to a 14 seater minivan instead of the normal bus. We saw the bus we would originaly ride (iT seemed overbooked so therefore they changed us to the minivan, which was bit strange because we booked like half a Year a go) The minivan was really less luxurious then the normal bus. You dont have space and you cant change the Seat position. The minivan is absolutely no option for people who are almost 2 meters long. There was no compensation/refund for the less comfortable ride we had. The positive points: the driver did a good job and the road was much bettet than we’ce experienced before
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年2月18日
Bien arrivé, malgres l impression d avoir voyagé dans une essoreuse réfrigérée. Sinon bus a l heure a l arrivée comme au depart. Pas tres confortable pour un bus vip
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年2月4日
I had a good experience traveling with the the bus.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年1月28日
Un peu le bordel à l'embarquement manque d'info,sinon arrivé à 3h05 au lieu de 5h00 mais des taxis présent pour Bagan 11km
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年1月26日
Uncomfortable seats, loud music. I adapt my standards to the country I visit, but this bus trip was one of the worst I’ve taken.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年1月18日
Alter Bus - Sitze und Decken sehr schmutzig! Abstand zwischen den Sitzreihen optimal.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年1月7日
The driver was in a very dangerous hurry on the road and made us arrive at 4 am instead of 5 am... Very inconvenient when you cannot check-in your hotel at that time. The A/C was full on all the time and made the ride extremely cold, especially in the mountains. You guys need to calm down.
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2019年1月2日
The bus had a mechanic problem and stopped 45’ after leaving Nyaung, we thought that we would loose one day and if was not enough the bus stopped in a curve with no lights. Total nightmare, super dangerous. We were extremely impressed on how the staff manage to move the bus to a safe place, even more impressive, in 1,5 hours we had a new bus that actually took us. The way was very curvy, 2 girls were vomiting for hours, so if you get deasy this is not a trip for you. The bus was extremely comfortable and also cold!
厢型车 14 座区域厢型车, Bagan Min Tha, 2018年12月24日
Dirty crowed van. Luggage on top to get full of dust and sand. Bad restaurant stop. Needed a toilet not a squat. Need much improvement.
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2018年12月17日
The bus was dirty and small, I didn't know where I can put my legs
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2018年12月15日
Trip was very fast (we arrived one hour earlier). Comfortable the seats and very helpful people onboard.
公共汽车 快速, Bagan Min Tha, 2018年11月29日
die Fahrt verlief problemlos und wir kamen sogar vorzeitig am Ziel an!
公共汽车 VIP舱, Bagan Min Tha, 2018年11月25日
Ils exagèrent vraiment avec l air conditionné ! Prévoyez des gants et un bonnet ;-)
厢型车 14 座区域厢型车, Bagan Min Tha, 2018年11月24日
It was unexpected to have mini bus instead of normal one, luggage was on the roof and all dirty because of the sand on the road. Please add cover next time