18 5月 2024

Air Udon

114 条用户评论
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关于 Air Udon

大巴是一种便捷的旅行方式,无论是去几个小时车程的邻近城镇,还是穿越整个国家去探索更远的地方。无论预算多少,大巴都能满足您的需求。快速大巴为手头拮据的旅客提供最实惠的票价,而VIP大巴为主要针对舒适度要求高的旅客。购票前,确保选择最适合您的大巴类型。 如果是长途旅行,可以选乘VIP大巴或一等大巴直达目的地,或者只在沿途少数几个车站停靠。通常,快车或本地大巴比较适合短途旅行,但如果是长途旅行往往就不划算了。出发前先看一下时刻表,因为许多长途目的地都有夜间大巴,并且有些夜间大巴为长途旅行提供更宽的座位或卧铺。在线预订Air Udon的车票。其他旅客的评论有助您选择最合适的大巴车票和级别。

Air Udon热门车站

Air Udon的大巴覆盖的主要车站包括:

  • 蒙奇
  • 廊开
  • 乌隆他尼站1
  • 汶干
  • サワーンデーンディン郡
  • 班东
  • 乌隆他尼巴士站2
  • 福莱县

Air Udon热门目的地

Air Udon大巴类型和票价




  • 大巴是前往不通铁路或飞机的地方的最佳选择。大巴网络通常几乎覆盖整个国家,并且路线成熟合理。
  • 与飞机和铁路相反,坐大巴不需要提前很多时间到达汽车站。即使是在跨国路线上检票也不需要很多时间。大巴的行李限额通常对旅客非常友好,即使有限额设定,额外行李的费用通常也不会很高。
  • 与飞机票或快铁车票相比,汽车票更实惠。种类繁多的车票类型可供各种预算的旅客选择。便宜的标准大巴可能有点慢,舒适度也不够好,但可以将旅客送达目的地也算尚可接受。而长途大巴则提供车上厕所、或停站如厕,以及零食和水,有时洗漱用品和毯子都包含在大巴票价里。
  • 如果您的预算充足,可以选择VIP大巴。这些VIP大巴配备了可以比拟飞机商务舱的座位,拥有宽大且柔软的躺椅和毛毯,乘客数量也不多,以及许多让您旅行愉快的其他福利。


  • 新建的城际大巴车站通常位于市区外的高速公路附近,方便大巴避开市区的拥堵。不过这也会给旅客带来更多的麻烦。如何到达大巴车站可能就是个问题,因为一些地方对进入大巴车站的车辆有限制,旅客不得不乘坐专门的交通工具才能到达大巴车站。由于这些交通工具的价格可能被抬高,旅行的成本也会跟着上升。如果在交通高峰期出行,特别是在不熟悉出发地的交通状况时,一定要多计算些交通拥堵的时间。
  • 大巴可能比火车或飞机更容易晚点。大巴在很大程度上依赖于道路情况,有时可能由于一些无法预测的事故、道路工事、绕行等而晚点,在周末、旺季或法定假日旅行时尤其如此。务必记住,不要计划连接紧密的行程。
  • 在一些路线或最受欢迎的时期旅行可能需要提前预订大巴车票。请记住,不要以为可以直接到汽车站赶上最近的一班大巴,因为到您到达车站时车票很可能已经售罄,所以要提前预订好车票。

Air Udon 公司评论

公共汽车 VIP舱, Air Udon, 2020年2月20日
The bus was great. Very comfortable. My experience with 12go wasn't fantastic. I never got a confirmation ticket, and it led to confusion when I tried to check in for my bus, as my receipt provided only minimal information.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年12月25日
Excellent service, very easy ticketing process...A very big thank you to the customer that told me go to window 55 3rd floor! Otherwise it would have been an interesting experience trying to guess which window of the 100+ to choose from! Almost exactly on time travel estimate, friendly conductor and staff! Large comfortable reclining chair, makes sleeping easy! Thanks!
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年12月12日
- Food and Drinks provided (not vegetarian friendly) - You get a blanket - it’s still super cold and the air con is way to intense! - the bus was not in a very good condition ( broken seats etc.) but it was okay - staff wasn’t that friendly and it was hard to communicate with them - just before we arrived in Bangkok the bus stopped in the middle of the highway and we were just standing there for like half an hour. No one told us why or what was going on
公共汽车 VIP舱, Air Udon, 2019年12月9日
Staff is friendly. Refreshment given on the bus. Seat is equipped with massage and tv
公共汽车 VIP舱, Air Udon, 2019年11月20日
Good bus and nice seats. Massage function no longer working!
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年11月8日
The trip was great. The bus left on time and we arrived on time at 04:30am to Udon. The seat was very comfortable like seating on a big couch. The staff was nice and polite. Before departure, they asked each passenger about their final destination so they tell you when it's your time to get off the bus. There was one stop for toilet if I remember correctly after around 4 hours of driving (but I was sleeping so there might have also been another stop earlier that I missed). They give out blankets, but the bus can get pretty cold so make sure to bring along something warm. They also give out some snacks, a small bag of chips, a water bottle, and thai style chicken balls. But maybe you want to bring some food of your own as well. All in all, it was a smooth trip and I can recommend it Notice: When you arrive at the bus terminal go to the 3rd-floor desk 55, my booking confirmation didn't mention it and I had to ask around.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年10月17日
Расстояние между боковыми сиденьями меньше чем между основными
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年7月26日
Departed and arrived on time. Had a little snack. Comfortable seats, spacious enough.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年7月18日
It was easy to check into air udon and I was happy to see that the pickup point was right next to the building where we checked in. It was a little confusing about the arrival of the bus but we managed to get on the right one with the help of the workers. This bus going back to Bangkok/Morchit seemed to have weaker A/C and the provided blankets didn't feel very clean. We were given a small meal, bottled water, and a snack at a stop which was nice. One thing I have to mention though was that originally we had intended to get off at Morchit but we were curious and wanted to see if the bus would stop by Don Muang. (I meant the airport but language barriers :() when I asked one of the workers I think he told me that the bus wouldn't run by there. Fast forward to the next morning when we were awoken and rushed to get off at a stop quite a ways from where we had liked to stopped. We were so rushed that the bus intended to keep going while my husband was trying to quickly get off. It was a little shocking. But overall the bus ride was fine, I wish I had learned more Thai to better communicate with the staff members.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年7月17日
Morchit/Bangkok bus station was for a foreigner, incredibly difficult to navigate. Maps are more or less non existent so it's essential that you ask around to make sure you're checking in at the proper window and getting to the correct platform. And in our case the bus didn't even park at the platform indicated on our ticket but luckily where they did arrive was right near by. On the bus ride we had quite a lot of leg room on the bottom level and were provided with snacks, bottled water, and a small meal. AC works great too, so much so that it actually gets a bit chilly but we didn't mind that at all. Overall good and affordable for getting to Nong Khai. Bus driver will ask you too where you want to be dropped off so be prepared with providing your final arrival stop.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年5月2日
Food and snack were great. Very professional. Bus broke down for about 2hours. We still made our next bus on time.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年3月30日
Food was banging, one things for sure you’re not going to be hot for much longer once you’re on it. Everyone had sweet leg space except our seats but that was just unlucky us I think. The guy drives like that terminator 2 scene was pretty mad aaand no one told us that we had gone through Nong Khai so had to get pay a 500 baht for a tuk tuk back haha but yeah not end of the world just stay on the ball with your stops and try not to sit at the front
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年3月12日
Nice bus but quite cold. Seats go quite far back but even my 1.94m boyfriend was comfortable. The front row is nice but maybe for smaller people. Think row is ideal.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年3月4日
Good bus service. They have an office at Nong Khai bus station to buy a ticket or let them confirm the ticket you've purchased online. I stayed and waited in their office because the office receptionist said that their bus will stop there. I got the ticket for 19:30 departure and the bus arrived there on time. The trip was okay and I managed to get some sleep for few hours. The bus staff provided us passengers with snack & bottled water. Bus arrived in Mo Chit bus station few minutes earlier than expected time which is good.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年2月28日
Не было воды в туалете и вегетарианской еды;) водители добрые , сиденья мягкие)
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年2月7日
Some English announcements would be nice.Even if it is simple language like we have arrived in......
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年1月16日
Clean, comfortable and fast! Would highly recommend.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年1月9日
Кресло отличные. Не холодно. Но нет USB разъёма для зарядки телефона. Еще один плюс, что автобус приезжает прямо к границе не надо ждать спецавтобуса.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年12月27日
Comfortable. No delay. They provided a meal. I recommend
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年12月6日
The bus was clean, seats comfy and had a good recline for actual sleeping. We got a chip packet, water and dinner when boarding. We had just eaten so we waited to eat, but then realized we didn't have any utensils to eat it with...oh well.. the guy organising everything on board seemed up with it all. He wrote down which seats were getting off where so he could wake you up if you were sleeping. Sad there are no USB ports. Also found that the massage chairs didn't massage :-/
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年12月4日
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年12月4日
1番後ろの2人席でした。 クーラーのカバーが壊れており、深夜〜朝方はとても寒かったですが、それ以外は乗り心地も良く、軽食もあり満足です。
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年11月4日
The office of Air Udon is nice to wait in. WiFi works really well. The space is clean and comfortable. The bus was comfortable and on time. The driver was super friendly. It’s a shame there are no plugs for charging purposes. The only minus is the temperature on the bus. It is freezing, absolutely freezing. You need a winter jacket, a hat and gloves to sleep in warmth. There is a blanket but. It enough. I have never travelled in such cold.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年10月31日
Nice bus although a bit old. We left on time but we did not arrive at the time written on my ticket, which was leave at 0945 and arrive at 1930. At 1930 we were still 90 minutes from Bangkok Morchit. About 35 minutes from Morchit the bus broke down and I had to get a taxi for the remainder of the journey.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年10月30日
We enjoyed every bit of the trip. Especially the train sleeper. Very good
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年10月25日
Delay about 3hrs
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年10月21日
Can show more suggestions for check in
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年9月15日
Good bits --- excellent driver. Felt like a really safe trip on the road. Bad bits -- worst - the toilet - wow, fellas - this is 2018 - I can survive an ancient toilet - but, an open 20 litre bucket for flushing or washing on the floor in a bus?????? come on? - I am glad I wasn't travelling with a woman - it must have been a nightmare for a woman to go to the bus toilet. I also didn't eat the meal - it was just barely warm and had been stored for hours - so, a sandwich seemed a LOT safer. Honestly - yep, it's a cheap bus - but, if you are going to only be able to provide food like that - then, don't provide it at all. No USB ports either. - again - ?? it's 2018. But, at least we can carry spare power - we cannot carry a spare toilet.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年9月1日
Very Good Trip, the bus is quite clean and comfortable, it is worth to have a over night bus trip, it saves money and safe
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年8月11日
Good bus, nice trip. But after one hour, the host gave me a little paper. He wrote down: for bags 300 bath. I was travelling with my husband and three kids. We have backpacks and they are normaal size and weight. He wanted us to pay extra for it? I told him it was not correct. That I could not understand what he meant. After two minutes he went away and dis not ask us again.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年7月26日
I used Air Udon for both ways and on the way to Nong Khai the toilet was so old... the lock was not working and so the door kept opening, and there was no space even to sit, so practically women could not use it. And because the bus stopped only once in the entire journey, women who had to go to toilet must have found the trip torturous. With this experience I didn't even want to see the toilet on the bay back but I suppose it was the same, because the entire interior of the bus was so old.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年7月23日
ticket service very good. only issue, try to find the udon air booth in morchit busterminal,....no sign of it, even not on the ticketbooth.....so by asking and asking and asking, finally found it to exchange the bookingdoculents into the tickets. bus rather old but comfortable. left in time, arrived in time. food very good. made only one stop.nobody speaks even one word of english!!!!
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年6月22日
The most comfortable chair in the world, they also provide food and blanket, which were nice surprise. The only disappointing thing is very old toilet in a bad condition. The rest was amazing, crew is very friendly and helpful
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年6月1日
Pleasant journey overall. The chairs were comfortable but would be nice if the foot area reclined all the way. You are given a bottle of water, a cake and some hot food which was surprisingly very tasty. Staff are friendly and the office in Nong Khai is clean, has wifi and a bathroom. Bus was on time. No complaints really.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年5月7日
The voucher said bus station 2 but it was actually bus station 1. Due to this I wasted money catching taxi back and forth across Udon Thani.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年4月29日
Great trip, free oreo, water and even basic bad food for free! Forgot my charger on board!
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年3月29日
Very nice trip, except for the food, which gave me heavy food poisoning, so stay away from the meat!!
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年3月23日
Late departure : more than 2h late. But the bus was clean , not to cold and you can sleep well.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年3月9日
I did bay ticket to Vientian, but bus finifhed in Nong Khai...
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年3月4日
Before departure, nice Air Udon office in Nong Khai with awesome internet connection. Departure on time, arrival in Bangkok even a little bit earlier than expected. Nice reclining seats, more comfortable than we thought (they even had a vibrating function!). We were served dinner, also didn’t know that we would have that (fried rice, water bottle and a little cake). Overall very good company and price!
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年2月23日
Так как этот рейс стоил дешевле аналогичного "VIP" от другого провайдера, то ожидал худшего сервиса, но в данном случае соотношение цена/качества позволяют поставить 5 баллов. Индивидуальных ТВ нет, но это "+" - места больше, ничего не мешает. Кресла с массажером (мелочь, а работает))) Кормят хорошо (см. сочетание цены/качества): немного риса с мясом, булочка, вода. Показался более шумным, чем "ВИП" и вроде больше раскачивался, но тут мы ехали в конце второго этажа, а в ВИП ехали в начале... но при этом спал я лучше, чем в "вип" :) Туалет немного больше чем в "ВИП", но такой же ужасный)))) Лучше избегайте его посещения, не портите впечатление)))
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年2月5日
Comfortable seats, free blankets, food, water and snacks. Arrived on time and slept well. Very happy!!
公共汽车 VIP舱, Air Udon, 2018年2月2日
VIP Bus. Ordentliche Sitze mit sehr viel Fußraum - elektrisch verstellbar - fast Liegeposition. Trinkwasser und Snack inclusive. Eine Decke gibt's auch. Besser, man hat zusätzlich eine leichte Jacke dabei. Pünktliche Abfahrt. Fahrzeit über Nacht nur 8 Std. (geplant 10. Andere Fahrt tagsüber: geplant 8, gebraucht 10)
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年1月7日
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2018年1月2日
Excellent bus service , very clean bus waiting room and meal included
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2017年11月25日
Автобус старый, но комфортный
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年12月21日
Good service
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年10月28日
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年9月22日
Good bus.Good driver.Friendly service.
公共汽车 快速, Air Udon, 2019年8月30日
Nice and easy